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More Head In Hand Moments For PM Boris


NAME Boris Johnson BIRTHDAY June 19, 1964 AGE 55 years old BIRTH SIGN Gemini 

There is no doubt that Boris has been thrown into the deep end recently, with Brexit and then Covid-19.  
Although Boris has always had a playful side to him, the stress of recent months has forced him to mature and take life more seriously.  I do not doubt he went into his position with clarity and understanding, however the fears and uncertainty of this year has been a scary rollercoaster ride.
By end of July I see Boris with his head in his hands.  I feel he has to make a very drastic decision, almost like an ultimatum. I see a heart to heart with his father, Stanley Johnson, over this, as he needs to feel secure with the advice of his loved ones.  


During September and October, Boris will feel some frustrations around not spending enough time with his family, and he may feel the need to take a break from it all to be with them.  There will be some discussions to have with his partner, Carrie about their future as I do feel frustration with her, almost like a feeling of restriction. I am aware that Carrie is reaching out to her own family at this time for emotional support. Carrie has such an intense energy, yet she is playful and is happier when life is not too serious, so there may be a little conflict with Boris as things are out of balance.  I sense Carrie is sensitive to the Lunar changes and planet retrogrades, so she may be feeling a little out of sorts in the month of June which will have a ripple effect in the relationship.  As long as Boris can keep his cheeky sense of humour and make sure he can spend as much time with her and their son as possible, the relationship will remain strong.
There is lots of healing and positive energy coming Boris’ way during March and April, he is feeling more settled at home and enjoying fatherhood at this time.  The stresses of work and the like seemed to have settled for a little time which provides some breathing space for Boris and his family.  Carries seems much happier in herself too, so that relieves some of the pressure on Boris.
I feel in time Boris will write a book about his life journey in 2020, particularly that of his illness with Covid-19 and how his experience has changed his way of thinking.  I am sensing Boris had the most frightening time through his illness, and his loved ones were fearful for him.  Going forward, I do want to say that the illness has weakened certain areas in his body, and he may notice this as he ages, just as a reminder of what he went through.
Boris has always been someone who wants to do the right thing in his heart but, like all humans does not always get it right.  I see him being like the caterpillar that becomes the butterfly.  This is all teaching him so much about himself and others, that once he has that period of rest, he will be back, stronger more motivated and more driven than ever.  
I am not sure who or what the situation is, but I am aware of a press release causing some upset for Boris and his ministers around May. It feels like something from one of the PM’s past has come up (doesn’t it always) and this will have more of an emotional effect on Boris than a professional one, which could suggest this is one of his close friends.  As much as Boris will want to defend him, I would advise he considers it with caution.
Written April 2020,  by Psychic Reader Claire Evans