SF2COQI5RC4X3FLL Psychic121 - Magazine
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Card Of The Week For The Week Of 8th June 2020

What card has Lynne selected for the week starting on the 8th June 2020 ?

Guidance for RelationshipCareer and Signs to watch out for.  



This card signifies the culmination of hard work, leading to the emotional and financial security and contentment that is shown in this card. The number 10 is the end of a phase while the number 01 is the beginning of the next stage of family life. Children may now be considering their own future, perhaps leaving home for the first time or even starting a family of their own. Traditions are continued and investments may come to fruition at this time. Making the future secure is a priority, not just financially as family ties may also need to be secured.



This is an auspicious card for buying or setting up a new home, or even investing in your present home by making it more homely and comfortable. You may decide this is the time to make permanent,  new or present domestic arrangements. Home is more important than money at this time, as you need a safe haven and secure foundations. It’s a time to invest emotionally and consider your future plans.  You have a need to follow the conventional path and to be part of a secure unit.  You feel ready to become less independent and build firm foundations with your partner.



Relationships at this time are more important than money. Work is the base to give you the security you need to build a future for yourself and your family.  It’s a time to build financial security and consolidate investments for long term gain. It may be difficult to concentrate on your career, but you need to make the future more concrete by perhaps buying a home, starting a pension plan, or making the changes towards a more satisfying work-life balance. Emotional long-term security is as important as financial security, and you have to consider how to balance both equally.


Signs to watch out for

Time now to create future memories for those you leave behind. Write a book, create a garden, or an artistic project for your children and loved ones to remember you, and make future memories for their own children and grandchildren. Allow the continuity and changes of the ten to flow.