Vampire's Bite | Illustration by Christopher Moeller. This cards price absolutely tanked after a couple of reprints which makes it very affordable at just around $16 USD. This card is a great addition to red and multicolored decks that use small creatures and dying effects. This command card hits everything you may want to board wipe. Narset is an incredible blue spell and one of the best blue planeswalkers thanks to its strong passive and card-advantage abilities. So those are the rankings! Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Slippery Bogle and Gladecover Scout are the pinnacle Hexproof creatures. You can find better planeswalkers and pump spells for your Gruul at four mana with some chunky loyalty abilities. Your equipped creature gets a pump for the number of cards you have in your hand at the beginning of combat. All rights reserved. However, it's explosiveness and raw power is unparalleled which makes it a great choice in casual and Legacy decks, because there are few effects that are so simple yet brutal. Who would have expected a "six mana" card to top this list? This one is particularly special because it is free and also fills up your graveyard to enable graveyard mechanics such as Delve. This card is good and you almost always just win the game from value and access to removal if you manage to stick it for multiple turns. 19. k i l l k o n g 1 2 1 1. This card extracts extra mana from your Islands, letting you generate large sums of mana for just . But they make up for it by fixing your mana, including turning your colorless into colored which can sometimes make the difference in casting three spells instead of two. This is a great planeswalker for the green aggressive creature decks in most non-Standard formats. Titan is an excellent way to bring back your dead weenie creatures like Mother of Runes or stax creatures like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. Having removal for permanents like this can be very useful since they stop infinite combos from going off in response. Swiftfoot Boots are a Commander format staple. Contact | Kitesail Freebooter. This series are a result of Freyalise's exploration of Dominaria! A pump is a slang term for modifying a creatures power and/or toughness through spells or abilities. is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. It filters through the cards you dont want while getting the ones you do and comes back to give you more value later on when youre running low on interaction or simply getting mana flooded. Green makes huge creatures, white gives creatures counters, and black reduces enemies power and toughness. If you resolve Torment of Hailfire with a high number for X, youre looking at destroying a large amount of your opponents forces, often resulting in their concession As long as theyre not playing elves and have 40 1/1s to use as cannon fodder. Its banned in Modern but legal in eternal formats. Fight as One can protect and pump one human and one non-human creature for the low cost of . Theres nothing more to say other than this is a great pump spell! Getting the card in your opening hand or early in a game can help you get into the action quickly once you have your Commander online. It is a good aggressive piece that can deal massive amounts of damage if left unchecked. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. It also helps that the pump here is especially good thanks to providing the trample keyword and additional toughness that will save your attacking creature from all kinds of blocks. If you dont care about sacrificing your creatures after they attack then pump away! Spells with kicker can often cost a lot and need to be prepared for, but thats not the case with this. Elesh Norn is a legendary Phyrexian who appeared more recently in the March of the Machine set, though her original card is still the most famous among all praetor cards. This is a specific tribal card and should only be used in an elf tribal deck. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. Berserk is a 1-mana spell that doubles a creatures power and gives it trample. You know exactly what youre getting with Howl from Beyond. Okos strength comes from its incredibly high loyalty on turn 3. Use this card at the exact right time to give opponents a Fatal Frenzy. With both options at two mana, this is a great dual instant for Gruul or Jund () players in most non-Standard formats. This card obviously gets better the more Swamps you have so its especially good in mono black. The Throne might pair well with cards like Magda, Brazen Outlaw, Emmara, Soul of the Accord, and Radha, Coalition Warlord. These kinds of cards are always good when they resolve and can often win you the game since getting two turns of mana and interaction is usually enough to permanently set your opponent back. Theres been a reoccurring trend here, and its been that mana ramp is good! That means that not only do you get a bunch of card advantage, which is always nice, you . Im also including Red Elemental Blast in the same spot since theyre identical cards in abilities and price. This card can be a lifesaver with lifelink or a deadly swing with trample. I dont have a lot of complaints about this card except its only legal in eternal formats. In other words, they "pump" up your creature, making it more powerful than its regular stats allow. Cards. The Most Impactful Cards of Magic: The Gathering Adventures in the 2023 Wizards. This card get better in multiplayer as the game goes on like many of the cards on this list. You have the great option of removing a big flying threat like Murktide Regent or a big pump spell. A spell that pumps a creature +1/+1 and gives flying for one mana is worth consideration for attacking blue decks. The mana value forces it into red-heavy decks, but its a solid card for midrange creature decks. It hits all creatures, dodges counterspells, and is only four mana to play. Buy at TCG Player. Although it was made for a specialty set its still legal in Modern and eternal formats. Skullclamp is an excellent draw engine, a great way to get a last squeeze of value out of your little 1/1 mana dorks like Elvish Mystic, and even an infinite draw engine if you have a way to either generate infinite 1/1s or repeatedly recur your 1/1s from the graveyard. This pump spell embraces this strategy and allows you to pump those flying creatures when you need to strike hard! Deathrite Shaman (Return to Ravnica): The one-mana planeswalker. Take a look at the green end-game bomb for creature-centric decks! It also doesnt hurt to target creatures that have some protection from removal. I love the fact that you can apply pressure on your opponent by keeping your mana untapped. Henrikas pump ability can accelerate great cards like Vampire Nighthawk and Elenda, the Dusk Rose. Bolas's Citadel | Illustration by Jonas De Ro. First up on the list for the best affordable green Magic cards is both Cultivate and Kodama's Reach. This could be a good way to end a game after blockers have been declared, but I personally only see value in Commander. The 68 Best Pump Spells in Magic - Draftsim This is an excellent tutor on its own and its price makes it very attainable for even a casual player looking to pick up some staple black EDH singles. All rights reserved. The cumulative upkeep isnt great, but you can pump a creature +2/+2 when you need it. Lets go! It's important to realize that while you do play huge haymakers, you aren't actually spending much mana on them. This card is used almost exclusively in EDH and Cube and yet retails at well over $150 USD thanks to its rarity and lack of any good reprints. Enlarge is a solid sorcery pump spell thats legal in most non-Standard formats. One mana for +4/+4 is really impressive, considering that there so few cards that can achieve this effect but Berserk does so much more than that! You get a ton of value for five mana. Delve is one of the most broken and abusable mechanics ever printed and between free spells such as Gitaxian Probe as well as fetch lands and cheap cantrips, Become Immense is very often one mana for +6/+6. This is thanks to the rebound keyword, which allows the card to be cast a second time at the beginning of your next upkeep. Double Cleave technically isn't a pump, but 2 mana suprise double-strike is better awesome. This essentially means you can give yourself more than one of your best cards, and attack with all at once. Once you transform to Henrika, Infernal Seer you can use that advantage to swing hard. This card can lock your non-red opponents out completely, often winning you the game if you stick it versus a sans-red deck. Primal Might is an absolute staple in mono-green decks. First up on our list of the best affordable Magic cards for white is Austere Command. Hexproof in MTG means that a card, creature, or player cant be the target of spells or abilities your opponents control. For a player, this could prevent incoming damage from lightning bolt or shock spells that popular Burn decks play. Black is chock full of devastating and powerful one-drop cards in Core Set 2021 and most of them make Mono-Black aggro viable again. Get ready to draw some cards to optimize Hand of Vecna. Dragon Throne of Tarkir | Illustration by Daarken. You need to be careful about removal spells interrupting your fun, but at least you can have two chances to play this. Image via MTG. The six mana value is expensive for a 3/4 creature, but the landfall pump may be worth the price. It also made our list of best wizards! #8. Two pump spells that provide an evasive keyword are better than one, and that's pretty much all there is to this combat trick. Each week, we'll pick a topic and make a list that's both informative and fun to read! Commanders. If youve played Magic any amount of time, youll know that low prices dont necessarily reflect the power level of a card. Obelisk of Alara gets you all the color-activated abilities you can handle. If you can manage to untap and detonate the Disk with a strong play afterwards, youre sitting very pretty and are very likely to just win the game. Ill start by saying that I love Huatli, Radiant Champions +1 loyalty ability. Nonetheless, pump spells are incredibly powerful additions to Limited decks, especially ones with an aggressive skew. Henrika Domnathi gives you tons of options to gain an advantage. Some cards can be pumped with relatively safety, like Hazoret the Fervent and Slippery Bogle. #1. This card has won many tournaments and is one of the best board wipes of all time. He loves playing Limited and also plays Standard to grind for those coins. On the other hand you can also get lands with the other loyalty abilities to help your other spells. Dont want to build your decks around the shade creature type? There have been effects like this in the past, but it is the one with the best value in terms of mana cost. This is an exceptional card, especially if you pair it with something that gives your other spells flash like Alchemist's Refuge or Vedalken Orrery. There may be slight difference between the reference price and the actual amount charged by Paypal. While this spell isnt uncounterable, it makes up for it in targeting scope. That's why she's a finisher for two of the top-tier decks in . This is a solid and very affordable card overall and something youd usually be happy to include in your blue Commander deck. I believe Gerrard's Battle Cry is one of the best values of them all. Slippery Bogle/Gladecover Scout. In other words, this is an inherent two-for-one exchange as long as you have the required targets to cast both sides of the spell. This card can be a great finisher or combo piece depending on your decks desired power level. Theres a reason its in every single Commander deck from precon to cEDH, and there isnt a single reason you should skip out on it. Its +1 loyalty to give a creature +3/+3 and flying is an amazing way to swing with your valuable creatures. Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice can pump your creatures, but it can also mentor them! Mystic Remora is an excellent early powerhouse card. You wont be left wanting with Lightning Bolt. Instead of paying the cost you may exile a red card from your hand. Consequently, Angelfire Ignition is a must have inclusion for the large majority of Boros (Red/White) Commander decks. It taxes your opponents four colorless mana whenever they play a non-creature spell, letting you draw if they dont pay. It also lets you attack without having to worry about leaving back blockers! I like the versatility of this card. While Goblin Lackey itself is a 1/1 for one mana without noteworthy combat potential, its ability is one of the strongest in the arsenal of goblin-tribal players.