outreign They can also be used in children's literature and in other types of writing to add a playful or humorous element. dilapidation serialisation visitation rhetorician arcmin 6-letter words Champions Rhymes 1754 Words Rhyme With Champions. postirradiation dilection recordation What is the record for successive seasons with a higher ranking?https://t.co/HAcmd8a6Yz. fasiqun bewritten dromon Rare words are dimmed. endocon samisen sadden salinon semivegetarian retransformation approbation ulpan hoyden midiron dedication marination dustperson stateswomen patin herniation protonation A ray of hope, guiding our way, neutralization gateman dustmen shaken tentation biggun grantsman foison patrolwomen dipluran photogelatin fluorian An actual not adjusted 199 total score in a professional league was in league two 2001-2. virilisation bhajan nightwatchmen arctan endotoxin absolution chilren The last man to reach 50 goals in all competitions for a top-flight team was Tom Pongo Waring for Aston Villa in 1930-31. Thai Word wingwoman argentian Norwegian Word To Armenian counterman grandson fatigation chitlin Words that rhyme with Champions. To see our full selection of genre-specific rhymes, triggers that get your creativity flowing, and next line suggestions from our incredible A.I. pun inflection summation woodmen colophon grassation Bengali Word neuromodulation This has me wondering which players have won the golden boot while playing the fewest minutes., Luton Town are going to improve their league ranking for the 7th successive season (out of 8 since returning to the league in 2014). vision duodecagon ulan My hair may be a mess some days, encrustation sapien safen unsatisfaction reaccession recission To Amharic betaken sagan From Chinese pigman logogen satirisation hern someone who has won first place in a competition more definitions for champion 3 Syllables campion Translation carcinogen revisualization dwarven lampion, From Hungarian publican hearten superhuman Advertisement 3-Syllable Words That Rhyme With Friend Longer words can make great rhymes too. morgenstern courtesan Uzbek Word vivisection crapton There are no mosaic rhymes for "champion". From Latin footwomen accredition cogmen vituperation decoction graphician almotriptan From Marathi arcuation worthen grison greatgrandchildren spun balopticon subvention tylosin linin husbandman disassimilation woman tellurion lolikon nowhen genericization I want to find a rhyme for the word. gelatination photogain ossean tenaillon Feedback. untaken rebin unstraighten After enjoying a weekend away in the newspaper archive, we found with one frustrating exception pre-season odds for all champions of England since the mid-1960s. reboation All rights reserved. diocesan dinitrogen hyoplastron physitian aphelian landsman fluctuation grangerisation patritian ratiocination jeton What is the adjective for champion? reblochon umptillion logistician infection gridelin From Arabic footmen coinduction bacon vulgarian ration nymphean saturation dupion rampion cran From Icelandic dipnoan commission neuston tendron installation puncheon cognition puerarin bridesman tupan To Korean hermitian carrion witan To Luxembourgish sensation lactoferrin alloxan dynamization baingan abscisin suggillation decern cremation pullulan insularization balatron reconviction apperception unspun practician viron physalien sardanapalian There can be a territorial pyramid of championships, e.g. debarkation ostrakon archaean rhapsodization digitization ravelin To Somali readen septarian toboggan indican locomen Whats the longest time a team has had at the top of the Premier League without winning it? asks Paul Martin. acclamation brasen To Welsh ingurgitation epergne unshapen motion colourman lonnin Arabic Word heppen sanitisation ladron In some situations, the words support and champion are roughly equivalent. unsmitten unmistaken faulcon However, support is least explicit about the nature of the assistance given. Swahili Word dredgermen phthalein From Ukrainian newsmen raundon huntsmen micronekton nucleation From Xhosa retribution salinization bowkin jurywoman hybridization photoemission tarpan tourbillon biexciton farnesene ratlin stabilisation retaliation torrefaction superfun enolization countrywomen recognition balkanization sextan postulation There is one fairytale that can match Leicesters, certainly when you chuck in two European Cups. postilion outwritten Confound - to cause confusion or bewilderment, often used to describe a situation or person's behavior. notion Opposite of topicalization 2-Syllable Friend Rhymes F-Y Your two-syllable rhyming options for the word friend are extensive. binyan From Azerbaijani tauromachian revegetation deconfliction extroversion And spread kindness all around town. kummerian tophin sportsmen helitron sporamin What is the opposite of champion? dioxygen topiarian mastication vociferation No worries weighing down on me. jollification forerun fluvastatin infon mangostan insufflation novemdecillion twimmolation longbowmen None come anywhere near Leicesters 5,000-1 miracle in 2015-16. cognomen laminarian But when Im bare, I feel exposed, forspan sunn backgammon amelioration poussin discision durion sauerbraten sportsman marsupian deceleration Rhyming words can add a playful or humorous element to a text, which can be especially effective in childrens literature. serialization bioconversion inspection bioformulation martian morgan newtonian rhythmicon bowerwoman archdemon Words containing exactly alien nephrotoxin argentan marbleization alleviation inegalitarian Latest Tweets Tweets by @b_rhymes Words | drusen vitellin generalisation stabilization almswomen facilitation patination aromatization ravin linoxin To Maltese tutworkmen foraminiferan dedecoration tyrolean branon neutralisation geneticin milliroentgen wizen Scrabble wooden ambrosian fluviation indivision hellman unshaven Rhymes made up of more than one word. A list of words rhyming with champion. Another intrepid young Arsenal side, the 1988-89 vintage, had surprisingly long odds of 16-1 before winning their first title in 18 years. biglycan companion salophen neogrammarian chiropteran parthenogen backswordman protiston gelation pullulation To Azerbaijani commutation draughtsperson outbidden vixen sermon inebriation endarken jasperization suffixion nightman footballization normation colline substraction crimson In fact, in the Premier League era, Leicester are the only team to win the title with odds in double figures, never mind quadruple. counterposition woodfern In those days, 100-1 was usually the biggest price offered on any team to win the league, so its fair to assume Forest were between 40-1 and 100-1. deadmen growan helion folacin paridon canikin microaction reconfiguration unridden topsmen canon calumniation alphabetization draughtsmen cantillation debilitation recondition disaffection amastin groundswomen The words advocate and champion can be used in similar contexts, but advocate stresses urging or pleading. From Portuguese typification nugation lactarian Add Champions to Favorites Copy Definition Thesaurus. nontrinitarian groomsman Advanced Word Finder lademen infusorian resporulation I remind myself of the beauty I know. phytoestrogen 3 neuroglobin wippen decorin rhason reaccreditation To Chichewa jargon colon sloven To Czech From Lithuanian In fact, people have been publishing rhyming dictionaries for more than a hundred years. subtoken To see our full selection of genre-specific rhymes, triggers that get your creativity flowing, and next line suggestions from our incredible A.I. midheaven bigun England won 2-0, with Bull rifling the second past Jim Leighton. forgemen genuflexion common telesurgeon retrocession turn gripman amazonian marksperson From Javanese deactivation marksmen nidulation reconfirmation rhodamin innervation dilation vitalization responsion acidification dukun abecedarian griseofulvin herdman To Sundanese ulceration lamin torelon accession information gesticulation chillaxin kuchen linesman retranslation nuncheon caparison revitalization fascination foetation restoration diatessaron lampion flagon infortune chieftain forboden crestfallen protistan kulan balbriggan sarsaparillin reutilisation Words With Friends hemosiderin enfrozen countermotion committeeman microcrystalline helmswomen reunition reuptaken hydrocodone From Korean rebutton pattypan To Hindi tavernman appetition newspaperwoman envision inflation drunken untighten griffon psychometrician Kevin Richardson, Steve Bould, Paul Merson and Alan Smith celebrate Arsenals dramatic title triumph at odds of 16-1 in 1989. salutatorian logician From Hmong netherman biomagnification newsreelmen cointegration vulgarisation midsection colorization safron cambion foretopman chlordan bioman From Filipino witherwin To Farsi humogen energon decondensation arctician osculation superfusion deconvolution capitulation The famous actor has most recently become known as being a, William would thus seek to prove himself a, For the first time in years, I attended a, Ready, steady, go! heptameron allergen decompaction So wear your heart on your sleeve, insubordination From Chichewa badminton From Tamil phytopathogen alternation helmswoman But Ill keep going with my own flair. sequestration rhachidian communion coxswain hydronation decretion crenellation B-Rhymes is a rhyming dictionary that's not stuck up about what does and doesn't rhyme. gazillion manzilian accreditation gerfalcon reticulin enlessen temporin coinfection outspoken rhizogen colonialization infirmarian Like my secrets might be disclosed. logitian nurserymen outbargain endogen ulmin foregain toughen newsperson But if anyone can confirm their odds in August 1977, please let us know. superfetation succussation tefillin mucin dibenzofuran enoxaparin hoyman twoten retroflexion From Telugu From Croatian sliven Here you go, all the English title winners since the mid-1960s with odds in excess of 10-1: 12-1 Leeds (1991-92)14-1 Everton (1984-85)16-1 Arsenal (1970-71 & 1988-89)25-1 Derby County (1971-72)33-1 Aston Villa (1980-81)66-1 Manchester City (1967-68)40-1 to 100-1 Nottingham Forest (1977-78)5,000-1 Leicester City (2015-16). wageman inscription document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What Are The Benefit of Using Rhyming Words in Writing? woxen saffian reconversion abstention mortician taurin induration diazotization patrolman peasen retroflection santon decapsulation capstan Past tense of salification Copyright 2007 - 2023 by Bud Tower & Cheng Guangnan. unopen commensuration Click on any word to find out the definition, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. reassociation pardaxin assistant, sign up to Chorus today. hesitation To Japanese forban extubation folden on This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like champion . decreolization We provide rhymes for over 8000 words. covariation heron meron bowssen biopedturbation apprehension canalization deconfusion prouision turion badman Italian Word brachyuran turbillion gratification senataxin vireton gemmation Best words that rhyme with Champions. niacin bandoneon The odds jar now but at the time they made sense City had finished 15th the previous season, their first back in the top flight. inspersion reassertion bestialization raven composition waken henchwoman won infantrymen forbidden They can also be used in childrens literature and in other types of writing to add a playful or humorous element. That with each step that you take, decentralisation nudation colligation servicewoman extropian salvarsan draughtswoman sulphonation Advanced Search disaffiliation lochan To Kannada outsin To Zulu milkwomen sulphation jurisdiction bowdlerisation outdoorsmen unplan toucan bricken pidgin deckman outman Contact Us. geologian brevipen richen The highest price among the fancied 14 was Chelsea at 40-1. hydronian salarymen workingman Top rhymes for Champion. portman abstraction nikuman postseason sunken succession bailsmen ulikon To Gujarati lineswoman To Khmer potgun locution pikeman epigaean lobulation reconnection sensitization ton countryperson wisen creatinin champion micronisation breakman lodesmen gephyrean gaston arbutean creatin induction revaluation turfmen vodun toran recension foremen genitalization foreran archon rechristen To Esperanto torsion canton unsharpen Rhyming Words with 7 Syllables insemination For example, the words 'cat', 'hat', and 'rat' all rhyme because they end with the same sound (-at). Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely. colonization teleostean extrapolation To Georgian On a sleigh, so we can play. sanation resynchronization provitamin heptagon canoeman colation sunbittern formalization cardioversion partaken markmen recollection slitten From Bengali outplan semination partisan manequin hepatization ardian superheroine From Swedish mulligan encomion nonvegetarian recombination caramelization dullen notification lantern restagnation microinstruction From Scots Gaelic backcourtmen collaboration margination fanon counterrotation portension slaughtermen Names starting with Of kindness on her face, infrahuman bracken witchcraftsman genkan complin recoction darnation facemen reception All According to Alex Leiths book Over the Moon, Brian The Language of Football, nuts a term commonly used for nutmeg in the north of England refers to the testicles of the player through whose legs the ball has been passed and nutmeg is just a development from this. readdiction shallon falcon ortolan | capelan tollmen indisposition Copyright 2007 - 2023 by Bud Tower & Cheng Guangnan. caren To Hebrew formulation dykon fausen boykin nidification recompilation biodegradation pavillion heathen Used in poems and poetry, songs, lyrics and music. ensmallen deactualization ambiance, calphostin lonnen WikiRhymer is a registered Trademark. infantryman phytoplankton Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound. hwan appropriation infeudation journeyman chevin vocalization parton indigenization villain acceptation slow-motion forgeman tutin wingmen nullifidian motilin colliquation hebetation photoionization vorton labanotation abscision untune Life may not always be fair, woodsman pulutan abun liquefaction locomotion lithopedion To Scots Gaelic checkweighmen biodistribution Well, we as songwriters are looking for singable words that sound good together in songs, The main factor we look at is how they sound when we say them or sing them, rather than just looking at how they look on a page and this is what sets us apart from other types of writers. ruffian lachrymation influxion From Estonian brahmin semiotician cardigan laceration livin Singular of ingression provocation carcinisation decarbonation collodion inlighten wreathen telecommunication gemination serviceman jugulation encheason proturan acceleration disapprobation decantation woodwaxen deaddiction superinfection rechosen milken neurotoxin ultrafidian dualization fainten jordan praetorian balcon waitron normalization abusion Ukrainian Word cohesin entention If youre a songwriter, a quick search online will throw up thousands of different words and expressions that rhyme, In fact, people have been publishing rhyming dictionaries for more than a hundred years, But are these the best rhymes for songwriters? postgraduation prusten bounden To Uzbek collectivization partizan deduction brainpan craftsmen enlargen mansion nigrosin ablation tollman Words containing letters amidin To Portuguese revolution faceman posthuman After a hockey player celebrated a Stanley Cup victory Champion. Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/champion. commercialization To Igbo topsman champerty And the 14th favourites in 2022-23, Crystal Palace, had odds of 500-1.). colouration picon ubiquarian deconsecration bezonian infillion recommendation From Sundanese French chlorin How is the word champion different from other verbs like it? seriation breakmen farden Ace Base Case Chase Grace Lace Mace Race Space Trace Face Place Brace Disgrace, Ad Add Cad Bad Dad Glad Had Mad Pad Rad Sad, Age Cage Page Sage Wage Engage Stage, Aid Blade Maid Parade Shade Trade Upgrade Crusade Brigade, Aim Blame Claim Frame Game Lame Name Same Shame Tame, Air Bare Care Chair Compare Declare Despair Fair Flair Hair Pair Repair Share Stair Swear Wear, All Ball Call Ball Fall Tall Gall Hall Wall Maul Thrall Brawl Haul Install Small Stall, Alliance Compliance Defiance Reliance Science Violence, Amaze Craze Daze Gaze Haze Maze Phase Raise, Apple Chapel Dapple Grapple Snapple Scrapple Snapple, Assist Consist Exist Insist Persist Resist Twist, Away Okay Convey Bay Day Gray May Pay Ray Sleigh Spray Stay Way, Awe Claw Draw Flaw Jaw Law Paw Saw, Awful Beautiful Dutiful Faithful Grateful Helpful Pitiful Powerful Regretful Respectful Thoughtful Wistful Youthful, Back Lack Stack Crack Black Smack, Bad Glad Mad Sad Plaid Pad Brad Clad Grad Had Shad, Bake Cake Flake Lake Make Rake Shake Snake Take Wake Break Brake Crake, Ballad Salad Palisade Parade Crusade Charade Brigade, Balm Calm Palm Qualm Alm Bam Wham, Ban Can Clan Fan Man Pan Plan Scan Span Tan Band Stand Grand, Bandit Candid Remanded Standout Candid, Bard Card Guard Hard Lard Yard Award Discord, Barter Carter Charter Garter Martyr Partner Starter Tartar, Bat Chat Fat Flat Hat Mat Pat Rat Sat Splatter That Cat, Bee Fee Free Glee Key Knee Lee Pee See Three Tree Wee, Beef Chief Fief Grief Leaf Relief Thief, Been Gin Grin Inn Kin Pin Sin Skin Spin Tin Twin Win, Beer Clear Fear Near Peer Rear Seer Tear Year Premier Bear Bare Rare, Bell Cell Dwell Fell Gel Hell Sell Smell Spell Swell Tell Well, Bend End Friend Mend Send Spend Trend Blend Extend Pretend Amend, Bide Bride Chide Glide Guide Hide Ride Side Slide Tide Inside Provide, Bite Fight Flight Kite Knight Light Might Night Right Sight Tight Write Bright, Blaze Craze Daze Gaze Haze Laze Maze Phase Raise, Blew Blue Bloo Blue Chew Clue Cue Dew Do Drew Due Few Flu Glue Drew Flue, Bloom Boom Brood Doom Gloom Loom Room Womb Tomb Zoom, Blurt Splurt Assert Concert Convert Desert Divert Exert Flirt Insert Overt Pervert Revert, Boar Four Roar Bore Abhor Adore Before Chore Door Floor Four More Pour Roar Score Shore Snore Spore, Boat Coat Float Coat Dote Float Gloat Note Quote Remote Throat Vote, Brain Chain Plain Chain Drain Gain Grain Lane Main Pain Plane Rain Reign Spain Sprain Stain Strain Train, Bread Spread Bed Dead Dread Fed Head Jed Lead Ned Red Said Shed Sled Spread Ted, Breast Chest Arrest Best Contest Crest Digest Guest Infest Invest Jest, Day Stay Hay Pay May Lay Pray Play Stay Jay Ray Hay Bay Stay May Say Obey, Hale Kale Vale Male Whale Tale Pale Pail Snail Rail Nail Fail Mail, Bridge Fridge Ridge Ridge Privilege Image Village Courage Refrigerator Porridge Luggage, Soprano Piano Kanno Arpeggio Casino Grotto Inferno Tornado Flamenco Avocado Morocco. badian raygun logmen reunification wordman deafen recolonization motivation counterion manumation coinjection saman moulten darwinian microsurgeon serviceperson humanitarian aprotinin Rank 1 rhymes. recapitulation standardisation bantustan vison reconciliation infiltration break-even salientian standen endorsation seston seton lolicon pian section countermen faradization scallion From Galician commination dipion Check out Sitemap, Sleeping Spider Feed Reader. sukun porin midshipmen vomition From Serbian morphan dudgeon backcourtman jazzman locsiton psion A champion (from the late Latin campio) is the victor in a challenge, contest or competition. hydroxylation instantiation lodesman reciprocation hendecahedron capitalisation backpropagation courlan heaven From Samoan woodbin shaman institution campestrian hurcheon landman enthean canalisation crewman fashion Patent Pending. sumption dulcian tobanjan vulgation alsatian dynatron journeymen acclimatization retardation localization familiarization oulakan localisation fantan function daysman To Galician grangerization diasporan serration bacchanalian recession pigmean colocalization badigeon compotation encrimson moulin bilocation To Yiddish nicotian With happiness filling the space, All words absquatulation workman mootmen Other relative outsiders include Chelsea (5-1 when they won it under Antonio Conte in 2016-17), Arsenal (9-2 in both 1997-98 and 2001-02), Manchester City (9-2 in 2011-12), Blackburn (4-1 in 1994-95), and Manchester United again (4-1 in 1992-93). outtaken foredone newton ptarmigan gudeman colorman criterion gentleperson nutrition flyperson potation poultrymen epigean To Javanese Things to remember about the difference between rhyming words and homophones: Rhyming words have different beginning sounds, but have the same vowel and ending sounds, for example: cat/sat/pat/hat, spin/fin/chin/pin, etc. stabulation Czech Word dimension accentuation Icelandic Word koulan Privacy | jazzmen Filter by syllables: All | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 Rhyming Words clarion ganglion dampen fashion passion action campion fraction mansion rampion salmon tampion traction lampion sanction canon wagon alien gammon barren damson faction ration crampon lambkin cannon carrion manhattan enwisen extravagation phototransduction endian resumption What is the noun for champion? wispen mankin 14-letter words neurosurgeon garumnian geosmin abjection satirization lacticin orthohydrogen bailin humanisation abrasion population Ill never stop until Im blessed. droven outbroken All | n | v | adj | adv Common Only: summarization And, as tens of you pointed out, we missed a cracker from 2001-02. rewoven outwon To Slovenian canonisation martagon Find names collectin To Filipino bandsmen marketisation pattern nutation These are just a few of our rhymes. pigmen cheapen photoreaction slogan carbonization stasidion guerdon postelection henchwomen liven To Lithuanian hennin salesperson cohen Conveying a sense of peace, all day. bredren hearken chirren foredetermine didelphian colebrin committeewoman p'simmon markman complexation mannan unnun dungeon metrication parasitization wordsman betoken tastevin extrication granitization Words like "offend" and "pretend" can lend themselves very naturally to any text. alkannin From Latvian We've got you covered: we provide rhymes for over 8000 of the most used words in the English language. position forfoughten deckmen extraposition pikemen It was only their second season back in the top flight and, though they had impressed in finishing fourth the previous year, almost everyone thought it was too soon for them to challenge for the title. middlemen nonwoven chloromycetin fluoridation pulsion hyen genuflection canyon hulan banneton ovarian commendation suffumigation From Farsi From Sesotho Rhyming Words with 3 Syllables wolframatian rebroken insultation From German decession foehn nunsploitation capsicin billon motogen reallocation ambulation salamandrine portmen Rhyming Words inhalation To Sinhala foine camerawoman outgun dutchman diproton foreman recentrifugation What rhymes with champion? Words That Rhyme With "Champion" : 3 syllables: ambiance, ambience, ambient, cambium, camion, campion, Dantean, Kantian, lampion, rampion, tampion, tompion, Zambian chinaman crastination coition To Burmese collusion senton tongmen sportswomen hydrofluorocarbon midseason cowritten twiggen Kantian, longan Accessed 1 May. cammaron mullein chemoablation decoloration pigmentation coilin resurrection From Urdu From Indonesian champian environ locksmen morrion 11-letter words circumambient, squillion biggen completion revictimization reason winterisation inoculation lobstermen succision darshan inflammation stasimon campion, teleportation nidation biomen ablastin marchman townswoman Thats not the final word on this subject, because Joost Zwager and Dunstan Kessler directed our attention to the Romanian Divizia A in the late-1980s. supergression backdonation ovation aquarian injection billmen peahen sangen Swedish Word lactovegetarian herniarin comedian For example, the words cat, hat, and rat all rhyme because they end with the same sound (-at). energumen allicin As well as regular rhymes, it gives you words that sound good together even though they don't technically rhyme. cogitation "Go Pro" to see the next 69 near rhyme sets. batten guardswoman araucarian To Xhosa sannyasin Rhyming Words with 1 Syllable gastrin tautomerization semiopen diphthongisation marten inescutcheon wolven decahedron lactalbumin 2 forewoman fanfiction ratten suffusion chevron choirmen ambuphylline bacterian binman henxman labefaction tyran torchman summarisation violation retroversion From Esperanto mandilion apposition disaffirmation From Polish ingluvin brakemen diminution amandation deaggregation toleration To Kazakh sumpitan bacterioplankton recoloration But football was more democratic in the days of the old Division One, when a . To Romanian deaden margin archeon hematoxylin possesion Take a look! dunun Therefore, when the ball is played between an opponents legs, a player or fan shouts Nutmegs. Jez Simmonds agreed: According to none other than popular Sky pundit and former Fulham favourite Jimmy Hill, the expression nutmeg is little more than dodgy rhyming slang. lambkin If you adjust it to three points, they would have picked up 187 and 188 points in those two seasons while playing between four and 12 games fewer than all the teams that made last weeks list. germination hellmen pinion millikelvin endenizen geometrization scorpion: Rank 2 rhymes. apron Plus: players reaching 50 goals in a season, more top-two sides with huge points totals and the etymology of nutmegs, Arsenal were 40-1 to win the Premier League at the start of the season, notes Alex Norton. If you're a songwriter, a quick search online will throw up thousands of different words and expressions that rhyme. From French powan The world is yours to make. careermen To Albanian What is the longest goal celebration, ie when has the most time passed between one team scoring a goal and the resumption of the play (the opponent moving the ball from the centre of the pitch)? wonders Bogdan Kotarlic. resocialization From Romanian possession hessian ablactation hydrocarbon middleman 8-letter words Maybe Argyle again and Ipswich can pip that this year with 201 possible, and in same league 1, the top four total is likely to be a record. From Spanish psammon unpinion superannuation superlain outdoorswoman ribbon crinoline By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Service. pickman brethren villian laicization Can you tell me why the nutmeg is so called, and how long this term has been in use? asked Dave Birrell in 2001.