He or she has to watch your odometer and clock the exact moment you cross the finish line to record your point score. My average score (complete six-event ACFT) is 545, with a max score of 549. Regular Army and Active Guard Reserve Soldiers will retest no less than 120 days and no more than 180 days from the test failure. They will recover, rehabilitate, recondition, and complete the full ACFT once the temporary profile has ended and the Soldier is cleared by their medical provider to resume testing. You must swim [appropriate number based on lap length] laps to complete this distance. Our unit conducted a ACFT with all permanent profile personnel and we all failed the alternate event due to my unit utilizing the outdated guidance of half way of the equipment being used. To pass, you must complete 5,000 meters in 25 minutes. The Army will implement a revised ACFT, starting on April 1, 2022, that will include several differences based on 630,000 sample ACFT test scores, the RAND independent assessment and feedback. ExecutionOn the command GET SET, the Soldier lifts both knees off the ground and moves the hips into a straight line with the legs, shoulders, head and eyes focused on the ground, similar to the Front Leaning Rest. The Soldiers feet may be up to the graders boot-width apart. In response, we are using the plank as the sole exercise to assess core strength, using recognized standards from the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Navy as a baseline and modifying the scales based on Army requirements. The start line grader will circle the best score. You must complete the 5,000-meter distance. Any comments or recommendations for improvement should be prepared using DA Form 2028 and sent to Director, Research and Analysis, United States Army Center for Initial Military Training, ATTN: ATMT-RA, 210 Dillon Circle, Fort Eustis, Virginia 23604-5701, or submit an electronic DA Form 2028 by email to: usarmy.jble.tradoc.list.g2-acft@mail.mil. These can include: 1. Walking on the bottom to recuperate is authorized. Sprint Drag Carry. Beginning April 1, 2023, for the purpose of awarding promotion points for promotion to SGT and SSG, Soldiers with permanent physical profiles will be granted 60 ACFT points for each event not taken due to the profile. The migration of APFT events to the ACFT plan was intended to take place in October 2020, however, COVID-19 caused the testing to be suspended. However, if RC Soldiers attending professional military education for classes that start on or after Oct. 1, 2022, fail both a record test and a retest during the course, they will be removed from the course. The Soldier will maintain a generally straight body alignment from the top of the head to the ankles. With the running alternate events, I averaged a 521. 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Angie Papple Johnston joined the U.S. Army in 2006 as a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist. No, implementation of the ACFT accounts for various considerations arising from all components of the Army. The Army is establishing a governance structure to provide oversight of the full implementation of the ACFT and will assess ACFT scores, pass rates, injuries, and environmental considerations and report those findings, along with any recommended changes, to Army Senior Leaders. Toes will touch the ground with feet together or up to a boots width apart. Additionally, the Army added the 2.5 mile walk as an alternate aerobic event to accommodate for any lack of equipment to conduct the other alternate aerobic events. The arms and hands may touch or slide along the ground during this movement. The RAND independent study observed that the leg tuck was not an accurate predictor of core strength for all Soldiers, as it requires a minimum pre-requisite upper body strength that made it impossible to measure core strength across all Soldiers commensurately. The Army equipped units with $78 million worth of ACFT equipment, with 10,829 sets of equipment going to the Active Component, compared to 15,854 sets of equipment to the National Guard, and 8,037 sets to the Army Reserve. Soldiers without a passing ACFT are authorized to extend only up to 12 months, allowing an opportunity to pass a record ACFT. They can cause delays, diversions, or cancellations of flights. You may be eligible for the modified ACFTcalled the ACFT MODif you have clearance from your medical provider.\r\n\r\nSoldiers are required to participate in all the events theyre not profiled against, but at minimum, a permanently profiled soldier has to pass the following, regardless of his or her jobs physical demand category:\r\n