Port electrification or electrification master planning; Development of port or terminal micro-grids; Worker training to support electrification technology; and. Individuals with a gross annual income below the following thresholds are eligible for the tax credit: Only one tax credit may be claimed per vehicle. Do hydrogen fuel cell cars qualify for EV tax credits in 2022? Phone: (202) 586-8336 FHWA must update and redesignate corridors periodically thereafter. (Reference Public Law 117-58 and 49 U.S. Code 702). This does not apply to married individuals filing a joint return. (Reference Public Law 117-58). Funding can also be used to support the development of state carbon reduction strategies, in consultation with designated metropolitan planning organizations, by November 15, 2023. To track progress toward meeting AFV acquisition and fuel use requirements, federal fleets must report on their percent alternative fuel increase compared to the fiscal year 2005 baseline, alternative fuel use as a percentage of total fuel consumption, AFV acquisitions as a percentage of vehicle acquisitions, and fleet-wide miles per gasoline gallon equivalent of petroleum fuels. Priority will be given to projects that include: Applicants must demonstrate how proposed projects will benefit underserved communities that lack access to clean transportation options. Compliance is required by fleets that operate, lease, or control 50 or more light-duty vehicles within the United States. Additional terms apply. Research, strategies, and actions to reduce transportation-related emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. Applicants with projects that include zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) are required to submit a ZEV fleet transition plan. http://www.gsa.gov. Eligible applicants for INFRA grants are states, metropolitan planning organizations that serve urbanized areas with a population of more than 200,000 individuals, local governments, political subdivisions, port authorities, and tribal governments. and take advantage of a federal tax credit of up to $8000. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has updated the regulations for federal tax credits up to $7,500 on new and used plug-in EVs and hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCV). creates a new 10-year incentive for clean hydrogen production tax credit with up to $3.00/kilogram. The Act eliminates an existing phase out that occurs when a manufacturer sells 200,000 vehicles. Zero emission technology includes all-electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency The credit measures emissions up to the point of production using the Argonne National Laboratory Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies Model: The Clean Vehicle Credit maintains the existing $7,500 for the purchase of fuel cell electric vehicles by creating a qualified new clean vehicle credit built on the 30D credit for plug-in battery electric vehicles: Elective Payment for Energy Property adds an election for direct pay provisions to a range of tax credits including the clean hydrogen production credit, the energy investment tax credit, the carbon capture and sequestration credit, alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit, advanced energy project credit, and others: The Energy Credit extends the 30% fuel cell investment tax credit through 2024 before a transition to the technology-neutral Clean Energy Investment Credit, which begins in 2025. For more information, see the Joint Office website. The tax credit amount is equal to the lesser of the following amounts: Maximum tax credits may not exceed $7,500 for vehicles under 14,000 lbs. An assessment on how ZEVs will impact the applicants workforce. For more information, visit the EPAct State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleets website. DOE will evaluate lifecycle emissions for each project application and give preference to applications that reduce greenhouse gas emissions across the full project lifecycle. This article is part of a series exploring the . Line 15. New Clean Hydrogen Production Tax Credit (45V)1 Creates a new 10-year incentive for clean hydrogen production with four tiers and a maximum of 4 kilograms of CO equivalent (CO2e) per kilogram of 2 hydrogen (H 2). Phone: (877) 623-2322 For more information, including funding application deadlines, see the DOT INFRA Grants website. Eligible entities include states, metropolitan planning organizations, local governments, political subdivisions, and tribal governments. The U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) designates a national network of plug-in electric vehicle (EV) charging and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along national highway system corridors. U.S. Department of Defense Businesses may not combine this tax credit with the Clean Vehicle Tax Credit. Projects can also elect to claim up to a 30% investment tax credit under Section 48. NAS may award research contracts or grants under the Program. For more information, see the Ports Initiative website. Each state's energy office receives SEP funding and manages all SEP-funded projects. Beginning January 1, 2023, a tax credit will be available to businesses for the purchase of new EVs and FCEVs. Phone: (703) 571-3343 The credit would initially be USD 3 per kilogram for 2022-2024 and then . For more information, see the FHWA Alternative Fuel Corridors website. The level of the credit provided is based on carbon intensity, up to a maximum of four kilograms of CO2 to kilogram of H2 equivalent. The mission of Clean Cities Coalition Network is to foster the economic, environmental, and energy security of the United States by working locally to advance affordable, domestic transportation fuels and technologies. For ethanol blends containing more than 50% but no greater than 83% ethanol by volume, retailers must (1) post the exact percentage of ethanol concentration, (2) post the percentage rounded to the nearest multiple of 10, or (3) post notice that the fuel contains 51% to 83% ethanol. To find laws and incentives for other alternative fuels and advanced vehicles, search all laws and incentives. At least one H2Hub must demonstrate the end-use of hydrogen in the transportation sector. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Charging and Fueling Infrastructure Discretionary Grant Program (CFI Program) offers funding to deploy publicly accessible electric vehicle charging and alternative fueling infrastructure in urban and rural communities and along Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFC). Eligible projects include: Eligible applicants include U.S. territories, state, local, and tribal governments. Alternative fuel mixture credit. Section 45W introduces a significant tax credit for commercial vehicles. Loan Guarantee Program Note that for some manufacturers, the assembly location may vary because some models are produced in multiple locations. Clean Agriculture is a voluntary program that promotes the reduction of diesel exhaust emissions from agricultural equipment and vehicles by encouraging proper operations and maintenance by farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses, use of emissions-reducing technologies, and use of cleaner fuels. See Notice 2022-39 PDF for information on how to . NOTE: This incentive was originally set to expire on December 31, 2021, but has been extended through December 31, 2024, by Public Law 117-169. The home served by the system MUST be the taxpayer's principal residence. Individuals may not claim more than one pre-owned vehicle tax credit in a three-year period. Fuel dispensers distributing biodiesel blends containing more than 5% biodiesel by volume must include the percentage of biodiesel included. regulatory.info@nrel.gov 1818 (August 16, 2022), commonly known as the Inflation Reduction Act, retroactively reinstated and extended the following fuel tax credits through December 31, 2024: Alternative fuel credit. Credits would be capped to an income level of. Additional details are provided below based on when the vehicle is purchased or placed-in-service. Additional funding eligibility and considerations will apply. Eligible AFVs include school buses and school fleet vehicles. For more information on the Private and Local Government Fleet Rule compliance, visit the EPAct Private and Local Government Fleet Determination website. State and federal governments enact laws and provide incentives to help build and maintain a market for hydrogen fuel and vehicles. Qualified fueling equipment must be installed in locations that meet the following census tract requirements: A population census tract where the poverty rate is at least 20%; or. (Reference 42 U.S. Code 13251 and 13263a, and 10 CFR 490), Point of Contact The North American final assembly requirement continues to apply. SEP is authorized through fiscal year 2026. Common nontaxable uses in a motor vehicle are: on a farm for farming purposes; in certain intercity and local buses; in a school bus; for exclusive use by a non-profit educational organization; and for exclusive use by a state, political subdivision of a state, or the District of Columbia. DOE will provide technical assistance services to support up to 36 communities to develop their own community-driven clean energy transition approach. States are encouraged to complete EV AFCs, which are eligible for separate funding from the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, and will be considered fully built out once they meet the conditions specified in the NEVI Formula Program Guidance. During the designation and redesignation process, in consultation with the U.S. Department of Energy, FHWA will issue a report identifying charging and fueling infrastructure, best practices and guidance for predictable infrastructure deployment, analyzing standardization needs for fuel providers and purchasers, and reestablishing the goal of achieving strategic deployment of fueling infrastructure in the designated corridors. Permitting and inspection fees are . Corridor Program grants are available to infrastructure deployments along designated AFCs. The program is not intended for research and development projects. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Ports Initiative is an incentive-based program designed to reduce emissions by encouraging port authorities and terminal operators to retrofit and replace older diesel engines with new technologies and use cleaner fuels. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Communities Local Energy Action Program (LEAP) Pilot facilitates sustained, community-wide economic and environmental benefits through DOEs clean energy deployment work. After Congress provided $9.5 billion in funding through the 2021 public works legislation and tax credits through a 2022 climate law, politicians in Washington and U.S . Information about federal and state financial incentives for hydrogen fuel cell projects. Eligible vehicles must be of a model year at least two years prior to the year of purchase and may not have a purchase price above $25,000. The XLE has a driving range that reaches up to 402 miles while the Limited reaches up to 357 miles before it needs a recharge. The fuel cell must have a nameplate capacity of at least 0.5 kW of electricity using an electrochemical process and an electricity-only generation efficiency greater than 30%. Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicles Credit. Applications for the first funding round are due May 16, 2022. https://www.epa.gov/dera. Phone: (202) 586-5000 Requirements Tax Credit includes installation costs. dera@epa.gov Vans, sport utility vehicles, and pickup trucks must not have an MSRP above $80,000, and all other vehicles may not have an MSRP above $55,000. For more information about claiming the credit, see IRS Form 4136, which is available on the IRS Forms and Publications website. At the request of a state, DOT must provide technical assistance in the development of the carbon reduction strategy. For ethanol blends containing no greater than 50% ethanol by volume, retailers must post the exact percentage of ethanol concentration, rounded to the nearest multiple of 10. As amended in January 2008, Section 301 of EPAct 1992 expands the definition of AFVs to include hybrid electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, and advanced lean burn vehicles. For further details, please see the IRS Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 website. Eligible vehicles must be designated for public transportation use and significantly reduce energy consumption or harmful emissions compared to a comparable standard or low emission vehicle. This appears to be the same credit that expired at the end of . The ITC (investment tax credit) is a federal tax credit, passed into law this past month, that can be claimed by any company that invests in fuel cell and hydrogen installations meeting certain criteria This law, in effect until 2022, allows many of our customers and financing partners to receive an immediate 30% tax credit on their purchases . Consumers who purchase qualified residential fueling equipment between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2032, may receive a tax credit of up to $1,000. For more information, visit the Hydrogen Shot website. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) offers grants through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program to reduce energy use and fossil fuel emissions, and to improve energy efficiency in transportation. Hydrogen Shot funds hydrogen demonstration projects that can help lower the cost of hydrogen, reduce carbon emissions and local air pollution, create good-paying jobs, and provide benefits to disadvantaged communities. To determine what's available in a given state, visit the Laws and Incentives section of the Alternative Fuels Data Center or the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency. http://www.energy.gov/lpo/loan-programs-office. (Reference Public Law 117-58, Public Law 114-94, and 23 U.S. Code 151). In April 2004, the city of San Francisco acquired two Honda FCX cars powered by hydrogen fuel cells. In case of joint occupancy, the maximum qualifying costs that can be taken into account by all occupants for figuring the credit is $1,667 per 0.5 kW. Section 13404. Of those 50 vehicles, at least 20 must be used primarily within a single Metropolitan Statistical Area/Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area, and those same 20 vehicles must also be capable of being centrally fueled for the fleet to be subject to the regulatory requirements. In April 2019, the Secretary provided a report to the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget detailing opportunities to optimize federal fleet performance, reduce associated costs, and streamline reporting and compliance requirements. (Reference 42 U.S. Code 13211), The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) defines alternative fuels as propane, natural gas, liquefied hydrogen, liquid fuel derived from coal through the Fischer-Tropsch process, liquid hydrocarbons derived from biomass, and P-Series fuels. Labels may also list the percentage of other fuel components. A fleet may also earn credits that may be used toward compliance or banked once the fleet achieves compliance for investments in alternative fuel infrastructure, mobile non-road equipment, and emerging technologies associated with certain electric drive vehicle technologies.