Grim Dawn Item Database. Glad your customized approach to the build worked out so well! TransmutationThis is a new and critically important feature introduced with Forgotten Gods that allows the player toconvert set items to another item of the same set. Ive been playing this build for a few hours and am level 26. I managed to get her to level 25 but Im really, really squishy. As the skill progression outlines, we only put one point into each skill until we max out Path of the Three then begin to max the remaining skills. hey im lvl 100 with 2022 overall armor rating, but my absorption wont go past 78%, what am I doing wrong, Hey, great build! On top of this setting, Superfuses skill system can become incredibly addicting, as there are so many cool and unique ways to customize your skills and slot fuses to grow your power and drastically change how your skills behave. Could NEVER find a build guide that actually helped Till I stumbled upon your site. How can I see the stats of an item if they are cutoff because the description is too long? If you do run into issues, I recommend the Grim Dawn Subreddit as thats a good place you can find active players who can answer questions that might come up. And Davids tip about using the Gallstone components in each weapon is a huge DPS spike. The person to ask is Reinan; check out his Twitch channel hes one of the friendliest and most experienced melee Grim Dawn players out there. So simple, yet such a wonderful feature. I increased my resists to max all of them, but it came at a great cost to my DPS. You may need to play 20 hours a day for the next 4 weeks to get a character to 90 lol. To have max resists at that level and still encounter issues is a head scratcher; I remember when I did the build (twice) I didnt encounter any issues it melted everything like butter, including bosses, and I think I got to max level deathless (or near deathless). I also went and got the Gannar vakkar sting as soon as I could, and happened to have the full perdition set already. Both usually stream daily. Hi all! , Devotions certainly are the most fascinating part of a build to me, so I am always grateful when people like you dive deeply into all the options and intricacies as it very much adds to my enjoyment of the game. so i can keep doing on east marsh but i only get blue piece for a mage or something like that and 0 set piece at the moment yes you can keep farming there if you want or go do the rogue dungeons for more drops. As far as Im aware, plenty of people are running it. Contents 1 List of Sets Are your beginner builds still viable for the newest patch, or do you recommend any specific changes? Maybe that isn't true but I know I ran it like 4 times and finally got it off him. I have the Perdition armor and a pair of Hounds Bites with Vitriolic Gallstones (and high resistance all around). When youre ready, this is the Mouse I recommend: What am i missing? One more question: what can you say about Malediction relic instead of Serenity? But as we start getting points into the top layer support of Nightblade (Belgothian, Nidalla, Amarasta, etc.) Basically I pop PB, SS to the middle of the pack, AOE, and then hit with RF, keeping PB and Ascension up when possible. This build has been amazing for me so far (Veteran, level 47). Thanks for all the comments. Always hated the forums for the ULTIMATE BUILD but no idea how to level up to get to it. Glad youre enjoying it as well! im playing the MISS MELTYCAKES Dual Wield Melee Acid Poison Dervish build. This is fantastic because it supports account building with extending storage to be anything the player feels is important in the future or for another build.Item Color Filter ( fantastic visual modifier to the game that shows item prefixes and suffixes in colors based on their damage/resist/skill type. Obviously. Hear me out. In addition to being Crucible and super-boss (Ravager, etc.) But these guides are a tremendous help to a huge amount of people, and Id love to see you make more stuff particularly with the 1.1.7 patch out. Your cold, blood, Aether and Chaos need to be maxed out. which blacksmith did you go through to create that Serenity? Also, Dunefiend set procs better for this build, i think. Luckily, many, many other developers are just like us and have these cravings too, and turned their addiction into games you can play right now. I have a nobo question . So im wondering whats going on, or if the build has a certain kick off point where things start revving up. I understand and sympathize with the battles and frustrations that youve had with the Grim Dawn Community and Im sorry that it ended the way it did for you there. You suggest joining Kymons for this build. All rights reserved. I also didnt go for scorpion, but rather wretch, rat, eye, manticore, Affliction (partial), spider, raven, jackal, Yugol, Abomination (partial). Thanks for sharing these guides, and keeping them up. Really enjoying this build but not sure if I missed something. Make sure you always have one in each of your weapons once you hit level 20. It is a massive undertaking. I feel every second epic I get on any character after patch has at least 1 piece of normal/empowered/mythical perdition set. Wikia pages state that previously it was going over 20% chance and reduced enemy resistances, but now it is 20% chance cap and no RR. Ive got about 10 or so solid builds, some form you and some my own, all fairly strong Id say, and this one really has surprised me. What other builds in your collection do you think would be capable of that? If you were to put all 12 points into Shadow Dance it would probably be 16 or something; the 12 soft cap just reminds us to remove any points >12 and put them elsewhere. PS always wondered of rather worth it to swap boots to something like Venomspikes and just swap some attribute points out if lacking? You can use your mouse wheel to scroll down . because if i have a weapon that has say 25% acid and 28% poison on it and I am playing a Dervish so i have bonuses to those stats, are they being accounted for in dps calculation? For now, I only have a Perdition Shield. Also it might be a matter of better aoe vs single target. Im LOVING this build, but killing my Order friends kicks me in the feels every time , Hey Adam, thanks for the support MELTYCAKES rocks, by far my favorite melee build , If I recall, the decision to go with Kymon was for the augments to support the end-game BiS loadout. My favorite games that I always return to are: Path of Exile and No Mans Sky. Its a one point conversion for pneumatic burst that lowers the cool down and increases the healing, the trade off is you must dual wield. Could not find anything..:(. Thanks for the feedback! I have resistances from augments but I need more. Item sets are a group of Epic or Legendary items that are linked thematically, in name, appearance and purpose. So i dont know if i should replace a weapon when it tells me it will have minus DPS but the other weapon has big percentage bonuses to acid and poison which a Dervish needs. Crossroads (Eldritch), Eye of the Guardian [Amarastas Blade Burst], REFUND Crossroads (Eldritch), Toad, Crossroads (Primordial), Eel, Crossroads (Chaos), Ghoul [Presence of Virtue], Manticore [Righteous Fervor], Rumor [Shadow Strike], REFUND Crossroads (Chaos), Akerons Scorpion [Summon Guardian of Empyrion], Spider, Jackal, Yugol the Insatiable Night [Path of the Three], Abomination (Tainted Eruption) [Ring of Steel]. While they are still updating the game, the endgame is in its infancy and can leave much to desire as you get more and more familiar with it. All of the builds are variances of the Venomblade set and the devotions are nearly identical except the crucible build focuses on added Chaos damage. While the wait is slowly coming to an end, whats an addict to do in the meantime? I would not count on it, though, you may as well acquire it from a random drop. Now finish off the build with maxing out Scars of Battle and (on the Shaman side) Modrogens Pact. Heya m8. convert a set item to another random set item. Thanks a ton for the feedback! Auto loot crafting materials. Any chance youre looking at Wolcen? I am most grateful to you because Meltycakes has allowed me to farm a lot of recipes, which in turn now allows me to craft a ton of sets and runes. We also have fantastic resistance reduction through devotions and our buddies from Celestial Presence and Nights Chill. How can I improve my DPS going into Ultimate. With the Forgotten Gods Expansion, Set pieces can, for a price, be transmuted into another piece from the same set, via the Inventor. Once you find better weapons and armor, it should really begin to come together. Now I guess im confused about how this works and if the DPS increase or decrease indicator is true or not, since we are concerned with poison/acid damage due to our talents in converting our physical to acid, etc. Be sure to enable them as the skill they provide must be enabled. BUT! In the grimtool, you put a lot of points in blade burst of righteous fervor, so I dont really understand your skill path (Im new to Grim dawn by the way) Gotta say, hard to stick with this after playing your Burn the World fire build lol Granted Im only 16 with this build so far, so Im assuming its just a slow starter lol. All rights reserved. While leveling, just grab whatever you can, but the item list is there to help. I found a nice legendary medal but when I try to equip it, my off hand weapon will no longer equip. Certainly more useful than git gud haha. While I havent played GD in well over a year, if I recall, I tried MoD, but it didnt compare to Gallstone (which I believe is BiS). The GrimTools link is available at the bottom of the guide. The Sorcerer combo for instance (Arcanist + Demolitionist) can deal huge damage to large groups, but requires quick reflexes as you run around the screen like mad to avoid getting hit back. Usually this applies to helmets, but for example Perdition and Sharpshooters helmets also drop all the time despite being craftable. I have been gaming for 43 years. The fascinating thing about GD is that there are so many factors to calculate it never gets boring. RF gets maxed out at the end, after you get execute. Its just a blue set after all =). A subreddit dedicated to Grim Dawn, an action role-playing game developed and published by Crate Entertainment. This is somewhat similar to mapping in Path of Exile where youll see a web of maps that you load into slay monsters, complete simple objectives, and acquire loot. except for Flame Keeper jacket. When it comes to Melee I think cold is still king. Hi, ty for Your guide im new to GD, I followed devotion path until Jackal but only have 14 points on eldrich 8 point on chaos and 6 point on ptimoldial and cant get to yugol. This build delivers, and is great at boss farming! The damage is awesome . You can find a list of each blacksmiths benefits here: Im assuming the in-game character DPS is inaccurate, since were relying on poison (?) In terms of equipment, a full set of Perdition items vastly builds on the Warders strengths but in general, pick up anything that adds reflection or retaliation. I hope others look at your comments and consider your approach as well. Seems like shoulders for that set are hardest to find, I found all the other pieces even doubles of some like the shield and still no shoulders. In a world where Diablo 3 took a more colorful aesthetic or cartoony look, Grim Dawn brings out the grittiness of a post apocalyptic world in yet another game where humanity is in peril and you must use your powers to vanquish evil. Thanks for the build and the full description, as a new player its nice and i understand the game day after day. One thing that im trying now and it seems to realy add more to the fun is to get vire might 1 pointer. My sincere apologies, but I havent played the build in so long, I honestly cant recall the best options it sounds like you have a better handle on things with the latest version than I do . That place makes it so difficult for people starting out. I hope this serves as a wake up call to Crate to adopt and host GT since its so important for the game. #12. So if youre trying to equip a 1H Gun or Crossbow and a 1H sword, that wont work. Ah I figured it might be something like that. I hope this helps! After testing your skeleton and mr whacky and sir bloody dots, im after this one now. Check out Reinan22s twitch channel hes the master at all that is melee with SR pushing. Thank you for the feedback Im always happy to provide whatever support I can for good players to enjoy the game! Superfuse, which is currently only available on Steam, is in a very early access state. Im a little bit confused by the soft maxes mentioned in Phase 3 though. Like how in Titan Quest, certain items would only drop in certain acts? This build is crazy. By the way, what skills would you recommend adding to my skill tree now that I have extra points? Honestly, its been so long since I played, I cant really remember anything about the best devotions. Rotation for Trash: Pneumatic Burst (PB) always up. So far MELTYCAKES seems to be one of peoples favorites, and even with the recent changes, its still going strong. Should I use any specific potions? I was hoping for an easy answer like x boss haha. Id need to see the two GrimTools exports to compare the two to answer the questions specifically. Keep in mind that most builds can be drastically altered by your equipment choices, since there's a very random . The exception being MIs. The General Play Technique is to Shadow Strike (SS) to your targets, use your AoE, and whack away with Righteous Fervor. For skills Im currently at the end of Phase 2 and Im finishing up maxing out Path of the Three. I did quit a few when I was playing WoW like a maniac for 7 years straight, running raids and a major raiding guild. Actually yeah come to think of it. Yes, of course Diablo 3 is the most recent mainline entry to the franchise, but when was the last time you played it? Is there any downside to leveling it all the way to 12 and then having gear that pushes it over the cap? Newcomers to the game can even use the various build guides that exist for the game as there is a dedicated playerbase whove done all the homework for you and can guide you through to the endgame. Before we begin, I recommend these mods to anyone playing Grim Dawn, especially new players. Thanks again! Hey I was wondering if you could help me out! Thats usually the #1 cause of squishyness, especially with a build like this. Im at 21;000 right now. Keep in mind that most builds can be drastically altered by your equipment choices, since theres a very random element there in what weapons and armor youll find you in your playthrough, as well as what path you are taking along the constellation when you unlock Devotion Shrines. I recently hit level 50, equipped two Venomlashes, and beat up Ulgrim for the first time. Ultimately it comes down to gear drops and what youre able to equip. GrimTools is back up! Heres Reinans twitch: So get close to them to force them into melee. Awesome build layout, and much easier to understand when compared to many of guides on the grim dawn forums. I dont quite get it. While there aren't a ton of similarities to any Diablo game, considering its an MMO first, Lost Ark has what makes games like Diablo just so damn fun; tons of monsters on screen and a myriad of skills that decimate them all is a satisfying blaze of glory. Im listing some of the most popular defensive Augments below for reference, which can greatly help in surviving both Elite and especially Ultimate. Thats a nice change of pace, right? Where could i find the perdition set items? would love to get a reply of what i can do to get the character better perhaps :). Im currently around 20 in my current run, I know, its early on, but I am duel wielding slithtongues, and ill regularly pick up weapons which dont have procs and dont have any +acid or +poison dmg, but they say, like ~32 DPS upgrade main/off, etc. Weve previously looked at some of the more fun mastery builds, but now its time to get down to the real goods: whats the single, absolute best Grim Dawn build available? I never really got too deep into endgame previously, and the game was pretty different last time I played. I hope the build continues to perform very well for you! cant see where i missed it . Take this information, figure out what best suits your needs and what will satisfy the need, and in no time youll find the wait for Diablo 4 is becoming that much easier. TY. That should be enough to kill everything around you (or DoT them enough to die in a few seconds). If you truly get deeper into the endgame, you will be enticed to open your wallet to expand your games stash. I ask because all of the 1H blades I see need cunning. Thanks for making leveling friendly guides! TYVM for putting in tons of hours making these guides for us. Is there a specific reason for these constellations that Im not seeing? Thanks a ton for your support, and Im glad the guide was able to help. One question though, in the skill phase section, I can only see Righteous Fervor (1). And thats it. David, great build and still viable as of today 3/4/20 (lvl 89 and crushing in Ultimate with all self found). Dont worry about putting stat points elsewhere as its easy to respec at end-game. Alright guys , thank you for your inputs ! Also, is it a good indicator for gear upgrades to be looking at the 2nd tab in my character sheet and noticing if righteous fervor and ABB increase in dmg numbers? Ascension, SS, hit with RF x3, ABB, RoS, and repeat with SS. Having a good bit of cold damage to periodically freeze things is fantastic as well. . You can make adjustments, but if you put more points into those, you lose points from the other skills. I think to push SR, one needs to build a SR-pushing specific character. For example I picked up a dagger that has +118% acid and +84% poison damage among other stats, but it says if I equip it, ill lose about 86 DPS. Maybe we can trade or help me farm or tips where to farm it. Forgotten to ask is your gear (Thumpy and Melty) absolute BiS, or there is some space for improvement? Depending on the build, there can be a LOT of mechanics at play, including set buffs, component buffs and other factors as well. I was thinking of grabbing Ghoul early as there is a need for some kind of life leech, but not sure. Target farming in Grim Dawn The CAJOS 744 subscribers Subscribe 11K views 3 years ago In this video I go over all the sets that are target farmable aswel as showing how to get other set items.. But I still have to use pots during every boss fight and in general. Best guides for GD in my opinion. Happy Hunting! Im pretty sure the problem is your resists; cold and electrical and pierce all need to be maxed; I bet if you fix that youll find the build does very well. The Altar acts as a new passive skill tree. Theres some weirdness with displaying the DPS as it relates to components and procs. Also, you shouldnt be using Purified Salt both weapons should have Vitriolic Gallstones. Plus the build has great DPS, so you SHOULD be melting mobs are you using the proper weapon augments? Good luck! No. I farmed all the Perdition set on the Twin Falls totem whle i was lvl 40~49 and the monsters where in close range of that, but now that i'm 6X i can't drop a single item from the Absolution set while farming the 3 totem from Necropolis (2 in the city itself and 1 in the way to the last base game boss). I wont lie though. Just trying to better understand theorycrafting here. The Devotions that proc are: Rumor (Righteous Fervor), which provides a debuff, Scorpion Sting (Guardians) which causes Poison and Defensive reduction, Tainted Eruption (Ring of Steel), which is an AoE (10 meter) Poison hit, and Raise the Dead (Amarastas Blade Burst) which summons skeletons that slow and RR your targets. This isnt a knock against the game by any stretch, as the developers wear that as a badge of honor and wholly lean into it. I hope this helps! I accidentally selected Deaths Vigil instead of Kymon. Here is a video of the first alternative Dervish build completing Crucible 170 in under 5 minutes (credit to Marek Kasprzyk). When all other APRGs are about wands, swords, and other various sorts of fantasy elements, Grim Dawn lets you shoot the undead in the brain. By now you might be saying WTF? I have been using them the entire game thus far. Meanwhile there are other constellations like that Manticore that seem to have a bunch of poison bonuses. Unfortunately I dont play Grim Dawn anymore and dont have any plans of returning because I will not support Crate and their current unethical decisions regarding the community. Get Gallstones on your weapons ASAP the damage will be awesome and then get armor/resist components on your other gear pieces. Might be a missed point or two in a tree that gives you the core stats? It has a LOT of issues (launch day was worse than D3 IMO due to server problems) but the underlying core of the game has a LOT of potential. Hey Mike! The fact that you post these builds and continue to actually answer all these pesky questions quickly and efficiently is amazing. Just absolutely joy. Why do you use meditation over malediction? I have died a couple of times where it felt undeserved seemed like pathing issues struck, and I wound up walking in place while hemmed in by a crowd of trash. There are certain bosses that just one shot me and the only way to kill them is to run in circles around them until my pets kill them. This is important; we dont want certain skills to go over the soft cap value (such as 9/8 vs. 8/8) but since these values changes as we equip new gear, we need to keep an eye on those soft cap skills that are over the max value so we can remove points and put them elsewhere. Also, it seems like theres a handful of purples I find over and over, are they at all area or act-restricted or anything? Loving this build! Sadly, since I dont play Grim Dawn anymore (due to the recent article I wrote) I wont be able to test the differences, but feel free to post your results here! Anyhow, I havent played GD for about two years and am curious if Miss melty cakes is viable still after patch 1.1.6 (i think this is the latest patch)? Once you get MELTYCAKES to end-game with solid gear, youll love it . And I tried Magistrate Censor at level 35 instead of Manticore/Rhowari and it also works fine. Theyre amazing! I heard almost all in physique? Im at the point where Im putting points into the Spider constellation and the stars dont seem that great. Where could i find the perdition set items? what relic u can recommend ? Like freakin' everywhere! Thanks! (THIS BUILD) L100 Dual Wield Venomblade (Vileblade Pact) and Perdition Set Dervish: Your email address will not be published. Thank you! I cant figure out whats wrong. Does one point in each skill is enough to clear mobs and leveling up to unlock the path of the three ? Im killing some heroes in 4 seconds with Ascension up. Ill definitely be referring to this website for future guides for my next characters =) Thanks! Im not sure why they dont work together. Out of curiousity, David, have you played this build all the way up to Ultimate SR75? Yes, but not for much longer. Thanks for the support! 11 Great PC ARPGs to Play Instead of Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem, Grim Dawn Getting Epic Fantasy Makeover With Loyalist Pack DLC, New Patch. I believe you can get Slithtongue in each difficulty (hence the 8+). Is there a way to increase my stun resistance? so if the DPS difference is negligible but you get a ton of poison/acid support, its probably better to pursue that. Instead, it will only be recycling and/or blending past seasons going forward. The third phase focuses on maximizing the Nightblade while pursuing Soft Caps. Unfortunately not; I refuse to support Crate Entertainment because of the way they treat their community and how toxic theyve enabled the community to become. The focus here is on high health, massive defense, quick regeneration, and equipping absolutely any item with reflection or retaliation so you never go down and always take out enemies when they hit you. There may be some new items that can enhance it, but it should still melt all content. Though free to play, Lost Ark does offer players the option to buy in-game currency and crafting materials that can drastically improve the grind for increasing gear score. If you want to hit a few times with RF go for it, but this build quickly jumps from pack to pack using Shadow Strike.Rotation for Bosses:: PB is always up. Happy Hunting! When you start Lost Ark, you essentially start with most of your skills available to use, in exchange for a different type of power growth system where you level specific skills. The great thing is we have access to them from L20 onward.