The end products will not just benefit project partners in Georgia, but also include case studies and open-source resources for applying USEEIO in communities across the country. The USDA CoA state data was summed with the allocated MLU remainder land for total grazing land by animal. Report No. 35, is a vector of the column sums of the given H (see Eqs. Name of source. (Cambridge University Press, 2009). Crop water use is calculated by multiplying irrigated harvested cropland acreage and water application rates for different crops48,49. Other agricultural commodities show the inverse change in v2.0, where the agricultural output in v2.0 is higher and thus the pesticide release and related impact intensities are lower. The full names of the indicators in the columns are given in Table3. The practical guidance below provides further suggestions on calculating scope 3 emissions. Industrial and Mining water withdrawals are proportionally allocated using BLS QCEW employment data47. This EPA report describes supply chain GHG emission factors prepared with versions of the USEEIO, which are life cycle models of all categories of goods and services and industries in the US economy. )2, therefore all environmental data was adjusted to be in 2013 US Dollars (USD). Introduction [ edit] Primary data must often be collected directly from suppliers through a questionnaire or similar format. Impact of locational choices and consumer behaviors on personal land footprints: An exploration across the urban-rural continuum in USA. The 2012 BEA IO tables include the sector Waste management and remediation services (562000), both as an industry and commodity. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). The model is validated through reproduction of national totals from input data sources and through analysis of changes from the most recent complete USEEIO model that can be explained based on data updates or method changes. Google Scholar. The data includes fresh and saline water withdrawn from surface and ground sources and evaporative water loss to the atmosphere. Resour. The environmental data inputs for an EEIO model are national totals of flows (physical movements of specific resources, emissions or employment) by industries. For more information and to download the 2016 report and methodology, see: Rev. The largest consumers are residential users (F01000, Personal consumption expenditures final demand) at 24% of total consumption; state and local governments (GSLGO, State and local government and other services) at 13% of total consumption; and Other real estates (531ORE) and the Waste management and remediation services sector itself, both at 8% of total consumption. When making these improvements, it is recommended to focus first on categories with the largest impact on the organizations total GHG inventory. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Metadata Updated: January 28, 2022 Tables presenting supply chain and margin emission factors and data quality scores for US commodities and industries calculated from USEEIO models at two levels of commodity/industry categorization, detail and summary, for both industries and commodity, and annually from 2010-2016. Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), with support of theDepartment of Energys Bioenergy Technology Office (BETO), are using USEEIO as a key resource for the development of their Bio-Economy Input-Output Model. However, in v2.0, releases to water also include organic enrichment, sediments, and other compounds tracked within the DMR. - Environmentally-extended input-output (EEIO) database can be used estimating carbon emissions based on the amount of money spent. Timberland estimates are based on MLUs ungrazed forest land rather than total timberland, which reduces land use attributed to forest. U.S. Census Bureau (2019). Res. Out of the total inputs to the waste management industry, 51% is due to value added sectors, with employee compensation being 29%, suggesting that waste management is a labor-intensive sector. N is an indicator x sector matrix and contains in each row i the direct and indirect impact result per 1 USD output of sector j. However when this demand vector is applied to the model, output of these commodities is positive due to industry consumption, reflecting the commodity output totals. 16, 157167, (2004). zenodo (2021). National biennial hazardous waste report 2017. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018). To obtain EPA/600/R-20/001). The technical model name for the model described here is USEEIO v2.0.1411 following the USEEIO versioning scheme as of model finalization9, but it is referred to throughout simply as v2.0. In v1, the Scrap commodity was removed from the model following a methodology presented by BEA for deriving a total requirements matrix11. In v1.2, national land use by animal type were calculated by importing and summing state level data for land in farms from USDA CoA. In v2.0, these data sources are used to allocate MLU land use categories to relevant sectors. 8. The first ranking uses Hr calculated where y is the US production vector, yp (see Eq. figshare (2022). BLM/OC/ST-13/002+1165 (U.S. Bureau of Land Management, 2013). There are five industries that produce the 562000 commodity. Tobacco, cotton, sugarcane, peanuts, sugar beets, herbs and spices, and other crops fell 14 places, apparently to decreased water consumption. USEEIO v2.0 described herein is a commodity model with the full breadth of US economic output split into 411 commodity categories. USEEIO v2.0, The US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Model v2.0. These calculations of total flows or impacts associated with a given final demand are equivalent to life cycle inventory (LCI), denoted as G, and life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) result, denoted as H, in the field of life cycle assessment17. (2019). Green Purchasing in Alameda County, CA The flow-by-sector method names for the corresponding datasets are shown in Table9. The major challenge with this section is establishing accurate IO transactions between the disaggregated sectors by using both monetary and material flow data. (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017). USEEIO was used by Climate Earth to calculate emissions associated with most purchased goods and services as part of Merck's annual corporate responsibility report. How are emission factors developed? Once all the requirements are installed, the generation of v2.0 takes place in a single buildModel function to load the various data components and build the model. More organizations are reaching into their value chains to understand the full GHG impact of their operations. L is in commodity x commodity form and represents the total inputs of commodities (rows) used to make a commodity (columns). The National GHG Industry Attribution Model27 for year 2016 was used for developing the national GHG totals by industry, which is the same flow sector attribution model used for the recently published Supply Chain GHG emission factors1, but is an update from the previous GHG satellite tables included in v1 models. To solve the first problem, BEA-NAICS correspondence for these sectors is approximated after careful inspection and comparison of their definitions in BEA and NAICS systems. 6 above, but using the commodity gross output chain price index in place of the industry gross output chain price index. 9. All these data products were uploaded to the EPA Data Commons64 and are retrieved by useeior during model building as specified in the model configuration file. Thus whatever is not explicitly allocated to 562211, Hazardous waste disposal, is assumed to go to Solid waste landfilling, 562112. Depicts a calculation for estimating GHG emissions applying the emission factor of a power plant that produces a quantity of electricity (identified by the activity data e.g., a utility invoice) that is consumed by an end-user (not pictured in the graphic). Prioritization of sectors in the US economy by greatest opportunities for environmental improvements through the use of the Sustainable Materials Management Prioritization Tools will be a primary use of v2.0. The factors are described below: CO 2 emission factors for electricity and heat generation for world countries (in CO 2 per kWh, 1990 to 2019). In v2.0, these land use categories are allocated to sectors using BLS employment data43. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). EPA Report: Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for U.S. Industries and Commodities Many organizations quantify greenhouse emissions in their value chain. Young, B. et al. Other economic data sources used include the Gross Industry Output data and the associated Gross Output Chain-Type Price Index data for years 20022017, the 2012 Margins data that contain the value added per commodity between point of manufacture and point of sale that make up the difference between producers and purchasers price, and the 2012 Import Matrix (Table1). J. The data have been updated for 201729. Estimated use of water in the United States in 1995. It is assumed that local governments do not perform hazardous waste disposal, site remediation, or other waste disposal functions to a significant degree. Net public supply is calculated by subtracting public supply deliveries to domestic to avoid double counting, then assigned to NAICS 221310. The overall consistency in the impact intensities and rankings between v2.0 and v1.2 confirms relative consistency and robustness in the model with some changes that can be explained based on input data changes or methodological improvements. In Fig. Updates to SCC mapping enable emissions from lawn and garden equipment to be divided between commercial and residential use. MerckCorporate Responsibility Report For each of the tables, these sections are the table rows, columns, and intersections. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2020). The M or N coefficient matrices may be used for estimating direct plus indirect (supply chain) impacts or embodied carbon, energy, land or water associated with purchases. The consumption vector is defined in Eq. The original Mining attribution version calculated results using process and employment-based factors published by Blackhurst et al.53. For example, releases of nitrogen and phosphorous are sourced from the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Release from Agriculture satellite table (NPAG) specifically for agricultural sectors, while data for all other sectors are sourced from the Discharge Monitoring Report via the Point source releases to water satellite table (WATREL). Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. Ingwersen, W., Li, M. & Young, B. Zeng, L. & Ramaswami, A. However, revisions to mappings between SCC codes and sectors, and updates in data collection lead to some notable differences in sector emissions including: Increase in emissions for construction sectors. Direct releases from this industry remain fairly consistent from the prior model. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Here we describe updates made for eight satellite tables to reflect new methods for flow sector attribution modeling. Get the most important science stories of the day, free in your inbox. This can be performed by subtracting the import matrix, Um from the Use matrix to estimate a domestic Use table, Ud, as in Eq. The resulting coefficients from these calculations can be interpreted as a measure of the environmental intensity of a sector in the year the environmental data are reported, but given in terms of the IO year dollar value. After waste management itself, the next 31 input sectors (out of 177) comprise 70% of intermediate inputs. Red text indicates an update from the 2018 version of this document. Producer price is the price of a commodity reflecting an industrys cost to produce it including commodity taxes11. Young, B. et al. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020). The production vector adds to the consumption vector the net trade balance as well as inventory/stock changes. 18. Report No. Commercial buildings energy consumption survey 2012. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016). Timmer, M. P., Erumban, A. In agricultural sectors, the consumption of other agricultural commodities are the primary drivers of SMOG. M.L. Changes in GHG intensity were less than 0.5kg CO2e/$ for >95% of sectors. Advancing sustainable materials management: 2014 fact sheet. sectors in an EEIO model) that drive a particular indicator value is a conventional analytical practice in life cycle assessment18. To ensure that these changes do not violate the balance required to build the model, both the commodity and industry totals of the Make and Use tables were compared after the disaggregation process to the original datasets in a commodity-to-commodity and industry-to-industry comparison. U.S. Energy Information Administration. Supply Chain Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities. zenodo (2021). EPA/600/R-19/092 (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2019). Report No. The reader should refer to Table3 for the source of the impact method characterization factors used to construct the N and D matrices. Young, B., Birney, C. & Ingwersen, W. National point source releases to ground by industry 2017 v1.1. The decrease is more notable in electricity and transportation sectors. Household consumption accounts for the largest share of the global anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. For example, if 562HAZ represents 50% of the total economic value of the disaggregated sectors, then 50% each flow is allocated to 562HAZ. Irrigation Golf Courses water withdrawals are assigned to NAICS 713910. Young, B., Li, M. & Ingwersen, W. Direct impact coefficients (D matrix) of USEEIOv1.2 and v2.0.1-411. Horowitz, K. J. As the original flow totals in Ei are in various dollar years but the model economic components are all in a consistent 2012, to validate the model, an output adjustment is required to Bi, which is achieved through multiplication with , an output adjustment matrix, as well as transforming it to commodity form. Results for these commodities should not be used for analytical purposes. An analogous series of direct impact coefficient (D matrix) comparison charts are also provided for interpretation68, but are not analyzed in depth here. v2.0 builds on the flow sector attribution modeling approach taken to construct national commercial waste totals8, by estimating totals by industries defined by NAICS codes. Household emissions or other final use emissions are not included in B. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. More information about this update is provided in the Procedure for Model Building section. EEIO analysis can be used to produce policy relevant data. The final factors are available in the Supply Chain Emission Factors for US Industries and Commodities dataset. For waste management disaggregation, a subset of the RCRAInfo database that contains waste flows from shipping facilities to receiving/storage facilities (arranged by NAICS sector codes) was used. US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) is a family of models designed to bridge the gap between traditional economic calculations, sustainability, and environmental decision-making. The report states that a critical contribution is the development of a waste input-output model designed to capture the material inputs (production sectors like mining, energy, materials, parts and products) and outputs (waste and material separation and reprocessing, of products, services and wastes). Model coefficient matrices can be converted to reflect different currency years. In Eq. (Springer, 2014). EIA manufacturing land area is considered part of the urban land total rather than a stand-alone industrial area category. The Water_national_2015_m1 model does not include water returns, as available estimates for water returns are from 1995 and do not account for advances and updates in machinery52. EPA researchers have partnered with the Georgia Department of Economic Development to work with volunteer software developers and designers to build web applications using the Georgia version of USEEIO for local communities looking to advance economic development in ways that spark both prosperity and environmental sustainability. CAS The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) 2012 Detail IO tables10 define 405 commodity categories. Read more in their carbon methodology, available on their carbon footprint site. U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) (2021). Fresh vegetables, melons, and potatoes climbed from 10th to 6th position. Emission factors should at a minimum include emissions from fuel combustion, and should, where possible, include cradle-to-gate emissions of the fuel (i.e., from extraction, processing, and transportation to the point of use). The Water_national_2015_m1 model differs from the Water Use Satellite table compiled for v1.13 in several ways. 7. figshare (2021). For v2.0, total value added per industry is taken directly from the same 2012 BEA Use table that is a source for the economic data. Manfred Lenzen, Arne Geschke, Heinz Schandl, Helmut Haberl, Dominik Wiedenhofer, Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Arnulf Grubler, Charlie Wilson, Hugo Valin, Richard Wood, Daniel D. Moran, Konstantin Stadler, Scientific Data A similar approach is used to calculate the direct+indirect impacts x sector with the direct perspective as Hr but it uses includes the D direct impact matrix to characterize those flows as shown in Eq. A set of ~40 v2 models with only greenhouse gas (GHG) satellite tables were constructed using IO and environmental data for varying years (20102016), number of sectors (~400, ~70, ~15) and model formulation types (commodity-based and industry-based) to generate supply chain GHG emission factors1. Report No. Rehkamp, S., Canning, P. & Birney, C. Tracking the U.S. The employment sector attribution model is created by importing and formatting the 2017 BLS Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) table58. In v1.2, withdrawals were calculated for 37 crops published in the 2008 USDA Irrigation and Water Management Survey (IWMS). The relative contribution, rc of a flow, f, to an impact intensity coefficient from N for a given indicator, n, can be calculated using Eq. 13). USEEIO models are under continuous revision with intermittent releases. N combines each economic, flow and indicator component. Young, B. et al. 10. While not part of the interindustry transactions, these sectors are somewhat analogous to commodities, and are represented as rows for each industry in the Use table. 6, where from currency year z to y is the ratio of the industry gross output chain price index, pi, for year y to that of year z. Equations5, 6 are used for each industry and unique year of environmental data in the given model. The GHG Protocol provides two resources to help organizations estimate scope 3 emissions: For financial institutions, The Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard for the Financial Industry, published by the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials, offers specific guidance on calculating scope 3, category 15 (investments) emissions. Land use now differentiates urban and rural residential housing land by incorporating values from the Major Uses of Land report36. Two such tools have been developed thus far: (1) A National Tool appropriate for federal agencies, trade associations, and non-governmental organizations needing an overall, big picture view of U.S. sustainability; and (2) an Organizational Tool that provides sustainability and procurement professionals with a the ability to produce targeted sustainability snapshots in support of their enterprises and organizations. Data for commercial hazardous waste are sourced from the Resource Conversation Recovery Act Biennial Report, the same source as used in v1.2. Ingwersen, W., Garvey, T. & Bergmann, M. USEEIOv1.1 - Elementary Flows and Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) Characterization Factors. While the model does cover these impacts, they are modeled with a domestic technology assumption, which assumes imports are produced with the same inputs and produce the same emissions per dollar commodity as US commodites. It is the best value for money option. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. The new commodity names assigned to the BEA codes are part of the primary data record, in the commodities_meta sheet. These novel elements as well as model fundamentals are described in this paper. Depending on the source, scope 3 emissions can be quantified using either primary data specific to the activity within a company's value chain or secondary data such as industry averages, proxy data, or other generic data. This can be represented in unit form in Eq. 2014 generator-based characterization of commercial sector disposal and diversion in california. That is, for each row in the waste management columns, the original value is multiplied by these default percentages and assigned to the corresponding disaggregated column along that row. Planting, M. & Guo, J. Data are assigned to sectors based on facility-reported NAICS. The attribution methodology for the remaining water categories follows Rehkamp et al.s sector attribution approach46. It provides a robust resource for estimating the potential impactsenvironmental and economicassociated with the production or consumption of goods and services. Quantifying scope 3 emissions can be broken into three steps: Step 1: Determine relevant scope 3 categories. Overview Emissions Factors FAQ Data sets Emissions factors 2 files Emissions factors File Updated Download IEA Emissions Factors 2021 15/09/2021 XLS IEA Emissions Factors 2021 (light version) 15/09/2021 XLSB Schedule developed the methodology and software programming in flowsa and performed data curation for all environmental data, and wrote associated sections of the manuscript. Additionally, the Water_national_2015_m1 methodology differs from Water Use Satellite table compiled for v1 for Crop Irrigation, Industrial, Mining, Thermoelectric, and Hydroelectric water estimates. flowsa v1.0.126 was used for preparation of all original environmental inputs. The Economic Census data provides monetary receipt values by detailed NAICS codes and customer class. The result is available in the National Commercial Hazardous Waste Totals by Industry 2017 v1.1 dataset57. For the disaggregated waste management sectors, these rows represent the use of the disaggregated waste management service commodities by industries. The water withdrawal sector attribution model result is published as the National Water Withdrawal Totals By Industry 2015 v1.1 dataset51. Monthly Energy Review - 2018. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2020). Point source releases to air reflect facility reported releases in these datasets and include both criteria and toxic air pollutants. 1a, Electricity followed by Fresh wheat, corn, rice, and other grains remain in the top two places, but Cattle ranches and feedlots has moved into the third place. Scope 3 emissions include all sources not within an organizations scope 1 and 2 boundary. (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2013). USEEIO v2.0, or referred to solely as v2.0, is the latest edition of the US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) model for assessing a full suite of potential life cycle impacts of US. The columns can later be modified with assumptions for individual commodity expenditures by the disaggregated waste management sectors as additional data is found. To calculate emissions, estimate the lifetime electricity consumption (in kWh) for all products sold in the reporting year. The final model is provided in the National Land Occupation Totals By Industry 2012 v1.1 dataset44. This class in turn spent a total of almost $48 billion in services from the Waste management and remediation services sector. Although QCEW employment data is one of the main sources in the creation of the National Employment Matrix, the National Employment Matrix also incorporates data from the Occupational Employment Statistics program (OES), the Current Employment Statistics program (CES), and the Current Population Survey (CPS)60. Checking that national flow totals by sector used as inputs to the model can be recalculated using appropriate model components serves as the primary means of full model validation. The commodity is allocated proportionate to the allocation percentages used for the 562111, 562212, 562213, and 562920 sectors in the Use table row (commodity) totals. It is worth noting that the Imports and Exports IO sectors (F00500 and F00400) are not classified as any customer class in the Economic Census, but are allocated as Business firms and farms for disaggregation purposes. (2021). 1b) that draws on the same calculation result, we can see that impacts with high domestic proportions to impact, like Greenhouse Gases, Eutrophication, Commercial Construction and Demolition Debris are dominated by sectors such as utilities (e.g. 23. Report out, Q&A and closing. The model indicators are put in the form of an indicator x flow matrix, C, where the values are the quantitative relation of the flows to the indicator value, also known as characterization factors in the life cycle impact assessment literature. FEDEFL Inventory Methods v1.0.0. The Recycling Economic Information (REI) Report, a primary output of the Recycling Economic Information (REI) Projectrelieson environmental and economic input-output methodologies for estimating environmental and economic impacts associated with recycling. The accuracy of the impact proportion depending on the validity of the assumption that domestic impact intensities are equivalent to foreign impact intensities, which is not likely valid in all cases.