Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, is it possible for the special effects of ores such as admantium be infused scales of a creature. plate armor will cause (practical, not game mechanical) issues in certain climates (extreme cold or head, wet environments, jungles). Adamantine isalso a metal. A suit of plate includes gauntlets, heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, and thick layers of padding underneath the armor. (same as platinum). @TexasDevin; yeah I'm using that as a base to work with since there's no mentioning of special materials in the crafting rules. If at least half of the necessary crew is present then the ship can be controlled and directed, however the ship will have no combat or evasive capabilities if it usually has such. []An item invariably requires an exotic material to complete it. Cookie Notice either double (100%) more or 50% more expensive, up to triple. My players managed to get ahold of about 500 lbs of adamantine and I'm wondering about what price they should be able to get for it. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. also, saying it has both silver and electrum is redundant as electrum is a silver/gold alloy. Each suit of full plate must be individually fitted to its owner by a master armorsmith, although a captured suit can be resized to fit a new owner at a cost of 200 to 800 (2d4100) gold pieces. The difference is the manufacturing cost. This alloy, of five-eighths adamant to two-eighths silver and one-eighth electrum (itself a natural alloy of silver and gold) retains the hardness of adamant, but combines it with a rugged durability that makes adamantine so hard to shatter that it is the favored substance for the making of war hammer heads, the best nonmithral armor, and harbor I like only finding magic items, but in a high magic campaign I would allow magic shops where old magic items could be purchased. This is armor that is reinforced with adamantine, so the player's AC is dependent on what kind of armor is being reinforced (the AC column of the table). Rolling a 1 on an attack roll with an adamantine weapon or piece of ammunition destroys the weapon or ammunition. According to Wikipedia (and it chills me to start a sentence that way), there are about 500 tons of meteorite iron that have been found on Earth, in total. energone is a living metal that comes from the planes of irian and mabar. Im trying to put a crafting spreadsheet together and the prices just seem far to high? Depends on your campaign, but in my low magic world Mithral and Adamantine armour and weapons may be the best you can get - I make them special items - things of legend for heroes. armor dmg uncommon Like what is conventional? What my issue is, is this; how is it thatmaking a magical armor is so much easier than non-magical armor? Adamantine is nonmagical, to the best of my knowledge, as you can craft weapons out of adamantine and they will not be treated as magical. But Plate armor (which is a sort of Heavy armor) costs 1500 gp (according to PHB page 145). Can I use my Coinbase address to receive bitcoin? I hadnt really thought about how much heavier metals are than stone before aluminium weighs about the same as granite! It does not include leg protection beyond simple greaves that are attached with leather straps. These kits possess all of the required supplies necessary to perform certain crafts, or feats, while on the road, be it the thieves tools that possess things such as lock picks, practice bells for learning to pickpocket, and the materials required to make a mold of a key, or an alchemist's supplies, which contain the simple reagents, containers, and tools for performing activities such as identifying potions, creating small amounts of acid, and testing alchemical materials. Looking a price of 50 gp / lb makes it as valuable as gold. It is the Armor Class of items made with this metal. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If anyone has any additional useful information regarding energone, please let me know. The cost per pound of Adamantine doesnt matter much for armor because it is only reinforced with it. Known as truemetal to the dwarves, this silvery-blue, shining metal is derived from soft, glittering, silvery-black ore found in rare veins and pockets all over, from the depths of the Underdark to surface rocks. If you are just making this up, fine, but please let me know. While technically not magical, adamantine is still exceptionally useful. Can you me know where you found this information? "The mongoose blew out its candle and was asleep in bed before the room went dark." For a plate armor, costing 1500 gp that means you need 750 gp of materials and it takes 1500/50=30 workweeks of solo work. Armour Cost Armor Class Strength Stealth Weight; Shield: 10 gp +2--6 lb: Weapons Simple Melee Weapons. I would base that loosely on the 3rd and/or 4th edition rules. for adamantine, just do the stated modifier. Adamantine Half plate Rarity Uncommon Type Armor Sanity Category Combat Relevant Page Number 150 Price Range (per DMG) 101 - 500 gp Price (per Sane Prices) 1,250 gp More details on the Adamantine Half plate can be found at Adamantine Half plate Details Detect Magic Aura The part about Adamantine Weapons in Xanathar's Guide mentions that it increases the price by 500 gp. You are absolutely right. Each item costs the listed number of chunks (each copy of this certificate represents one chunk and all certificates used must be voided at the same time; note the transaction on your logsheet). XGtE says,"The adamantine version of a melee weapon or of ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the weapon or ammunition is made of the metal or coated with it.". Or a trip to a dwarven settlement that actually had an excellent smith and raw ore. Or a meteor shower where it was discovered that the one nearby held a moderate amount of the material. I dont think you got your prices right for metal per lb, it should be 5gp for 1lb of silver, & 5sp for 1lb of copper. For example an Armor of Psychic resistance means you take half damage from psychic effects. While adamantine weapons are not inherently magical (a +1 adamantine longsword is just a very good sword), they are still effective in overcoming damage resistances displayed by some creatures specifically constructs. 500gp more for a weapon, or 10 shots of ammo (arrow heads whatever) so a sword, axe head , mace end etc are the same. While wearing this armor, any critical hit against your character turns into a normal one. Medium armor offers more protection than light armor, but also impairs movement more. Would My Planets Blue Sun Kill Earth-Life? 4/5 the weight of iron. Adamantine is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given. 5) Weight per cubic foot Holy or unholy water should not be stored for any length of time in copper vessels, because the metal will neutralize either in a few months, changing them to normal water. For each 100 extra gold spent you can reduce the dc for taking a long rest by 5. What adamantine does mechanically isnt worth the price you are ascribing it. Armor requires a ton more materials and more skill in the rare metal. You might not use any more material for a chest plate or helmet (or codpiece) than you'd use plating a weapon. Adamantine is black, but has a clear green sheen in candlelight a sheen that sharpens to purple-white under the light given off by most magical radiances and by will-o-wisps. The rule in Xanathar about adamantine weapons says that "The adamantine version of a melee weapon or of ten pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal version", this doesn't apply to armor. Mithral is the lightest and most supple of metals hard enough to be used in the making of armor; it is extremely valuable. Although the cost of a Bag of Holding suggested by the DMG (Dungeon Master Guide) is 101 to 500gp, it depends on you and your DM's discretion in the game. Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? A ship is guided by the captain, if the captain does not have proficiency in waterborne vehicles or navigation they will have to make a check (depending on the type of vessel) to successfully guide it, a crew is much more likely to mutiny against a captain that does not know what they are doing. Check out my post on non-standard weapon/armor materials here: Adamantine is not rare than the rarest gem, every single dark elf warrior runs around with adamantine weapons. If you take a 50 lb. Divide the values by 12 to get the weight of a 1x1x1 piece of the material. Most of the following information is from VoLos Guide to All Things Magical. Notes: Immunity: Critical Hits, Combat, Warding, Item Tags: Where do these prices come from and should they be considered official since they are listed in the licensed content? I would argue that in the D&D multiverse adamant is a metallic ore that has many properties in common with iron. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. If destructonium is a metal infused with souls of any being the more powerful the soul the more powerful the destructonium, in what way is destructonium powerful? While they are not completely necessary for a spellcaster to cast spells they are exceptionally useful. It is hard to believe that this post has been here for over a year and you are the first one to catch that. Despite its high value, it is relatively common and is favored for use in ornamentation in the making of magical items, often being used as an inlay in graven runes or inscriptions, where meld magics can keep it from being damaged or falling out through rough handling. (But you should still consider the new +1 adamantine plate armor to be a "very rare" item.) A google search for energon eberron wiki fandom takes me to this site: A druidic focus must be found in nature by the druid in question, Generally this takes about 1 hour of time and can coincide with a short rest, while many druids will seek out their preferred environment to find this focus, they may do so in any natural environment. Adamantium: A rarely used, less legally safe from the suits at Marvel, synonym for adamant. Steel is an alloy made out of Iron and Carbon. You could take armor or a weapon that is made of steel (which is the typical metal that they are made of) and ask: as with most everything in D&Dthings totally break down when you actually start doing math. Uncommon items have a value of 100 to 500 GP, or a base selling price of 400 GP. Note that adamantine weapons have no different effects when it comes to attacking creatures, but there are few doors or castle gates in the multiverse that could withstand a blow from an adamantine battering ram. I might price Mithral armor as if it were a rare magical item DMG Page 130. Also: This silvery-blue, shining metal is derived from soft, glittering, silvery-black ore. How much should a weapon property akin to the armor property Wild cost? While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. But that's up to you on how much you want to RP the whole process. In 5e the lore about combining mithril and steel to create adamantine is considered to be false and non-canon. For Difficulty Class I would have typically used DC instead of AC, but I can understand your confusion. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. This is the most common use of mounts, to allow an adventuring group the ability to rest while traveling. And GIVE ME FEEDBACK or else. Adamantine is so costly that weapons and armor made from it are always of masterwork quality; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below. There is a living metal called energon (without an e on the end of the name) that Transformers are made of, but if you are playing a Transformer game using D&D rules I am afraid that you are on your on. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. I'm not sure I follow you there. Ignore the pricing in the source books. Or in the case of a drawn vehicle, to draw a vehicle allowing the party a respite while traveling. Adamantite: The naturally occurring ore from which adamantine is refined. For a total of 750gp+200gp of materials and 32 workweeks? Breastplate Adam. I see your point about Adamantine not being ferrous because it does not contain iron. In Dungeons & Dragons, adamantine is a rare metal that crops up in various forms throughout the history of the game and its various worlds. Just saying in case you want to use it for a session in adventure league. Adamantine can be used to reinforce the following types of armor. Adamantine isnt ferrous, as it does not contain iron. I like it. is there such a thing as "right to be heard"? Entire mini-campaigns can be centred around the finding, mining, smelting, transporting, and crafting of the metal. Like that diamond bra Victoria's Secret made for TV. I've read that a lot of folks simply tack 500 gp on top of the price of the base armor to determine the cost (assuming it's available to purchase at all). It is listed as 807gp, and it is considered uncommon. Often times, however, small towns are all pitching in to relieve themselves of their problems and provide free stays and food for adventurers that take up their jobs. Adamantine along with mithril (or mithral), unobtanium, vibranium, etc. However, I can't help but notice that the adamantine plate seems a little undervalued. Useful info on Adamantine and mithral. Adamantine is tricky to make, and must be forged and worked at very high temperatures by smiths who know exactly what they are doing and who have access to special oils to slake and temper the hot metal in. Only issue I have with this is the mithral/adamantine prices, this would put a suit of armor of either of these metals at an INSANE price/value, despite being a common/rare item? In my specific case, I had an issue with the price of Adamantine Plate Armor and the price of regular, unenhanced Plate Armor. Feel free to make adjustments if needed to fit your particular campaign. so plate adamantine is 3k, mithril 2.25k but the linked price of the ore compared to iron. But many of these monsters, like the Giant Four-Armed Gargoyle from the Tomb of Annihilation, specifically note that adamantine weapons overcome these resistances. and our A traveler must make a constitution saving throw to take a long rest while riding a vehicle, different for each vehicle and the terrain it is traveling, an extra 100 gold in the purchase of the vehicle, for the purpose of making it more comfortable with materials like velvet and leather. It is true that all of the components are available, but the PCs do not have the knowledge required to create it. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 25 gp. The difference is the manufacturing cost. Cool. Its also been pointed out that mercury is listed as a spell component but not on the list of metals. hey there is rarer metals Ask your DM for help with this. Are there any ways to reduce the market price of magic items? Thanks Ronny for the posting this helps detailing my campaign fleshing out resources for my host village with a highly skilled Master Blacksmith was researching medieval access to steel since in DnD it seems steel is highly common, so I figure my village would import most of it. It also studies how substances (and how they are changed into other substances) are related to magic and astrology. The way the pricing for this will work will be the base cost of the armor plus 300 gp (cost of a 3rd level spell) multiplied by 10 (for permanency) and then multiply all that by the rarity (x1.5). To me, non standard metals are very rare, and as such, the average smith wont have access to them, or experience enough in working them for them to show up in a shop. Enhancements These are the prices for this item when made with specific materials or enhancements. I just babbled myself into a new campaign idea!). Or, should these prices be fixed to align with the posted price ranged? At some point I figured that the per-pound of adamantine is the same as platinum: 500gp. They only get the items I want them to have. Otherwise you wind up with situations like these where a magical set of plate costs 1000-1400 GP less than a non-magic set. How and why did he create destructonium? Does the adamantine have to be used during the forming process or can it be an add on to already formed plate? I've always taken the approach of adding the cost of the Adamantine onto the armor, but I would normally do a flat 500gp extra. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. The adamantine version of a melee weapon or of 10 pieces of ammunition costs 500 gp more than the normal version, whether the weapon or ammunition is made of the metal or coated with it. Are there price lists for magic items, such as the Bag of Holding? armor (or natural armor dealt to stone) can instead be dealt to the wearers Armor Class, Four Random Tables To Improve Your Next DnD Campaign, Mousefolk Playable Race in DnD 5e: Homebrew Lineage Guide, Feinting Attack - DnD 5e Battle Master Maneuver Guide, Grappler Feat 5e: How It Works + Our Homebrew Improvement, A Dungeon Masters Guide to Building & Running a Starter Town in DnD 5e. Pingback: D&D 5E Weights of Materials | Dungeon Master Assistance, Pingback: Rewards At Last | Casual Obsession. More details on the Adamantine Plate can be found at And, I wouldnt consider this official, but in Oct 4, 2018 on D&D Beyond, Initiate of the 3rd Circle posted in a thread called The Value of Ores in 5e Adamantium cost 25 gp per lb. The character does not necessarily have the "formula", but he's proficient with smith's tools, so that should not be a problem I'm guessing. All items which are weapons or armor add the cost of the base weapon or armor that makes them up to their price. I think this tweak justifies the massive price point for adamantine gear but also introduces a fun limitation that means while adamantine weapons are now situationally very powerful, a character probably wouldnt want to use an adamantine sword as their first and only choice of blade. Electrum is an alloy, so assuming its ~50:50 then it is 900 lb/cu ft. I figured that there's big enough difference in metals used that this could be a factor. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. You'd be sinking your money by doing so, but it is possible to do, and crafting the armor might even be part of the process of making the magical version later on. This well-known pure metal, with its distinctive pinkish sheen, is the best widely available purifier and amalgamator among metals. Refer to this post for weights of different metals: Weve had official costs for Adamantine since 2018. This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. In this context, the only adamantine suit of armor you'd come across (as opposed to just up-armoring ordinary armor for extra protection) would be made as a deliberate, extravagant display of wealth. 1 chunk dagger, light hammer, sickle2 chunks handaxe, javelin, mace, spear, scimitar, shortsword, trident3 chunks battleaxe, flail, longsword, morningstar, rapier, war pick, warhammer4 chunks glaive, greataxe, greatsword, halberd,lance, maul, pike. We have a clear explanation of pricing for Adamantine weapons, I'm just looking for the same for armor. Cookie Notice If I were to try to include all fantasy metals from all sources, it would be a never-ending task. Monstrous Compendium Vol 3: Minecraft Creatures. Do magic items really cost at least as much to create as they do to purchase? Gold has the important ability to hold multiple enchantments, even conflicting ones, and keep them from affecting each other or the stability of the gold-adorned item. The equipment table states that full plate for a small sized character is half the weight (25 lbs) of a suit for a medium-size character (50 lbs). Why is this uncommon magic item better than this rare magic item? The regular plate is listed as 1500gp in the PHB. But it was found that welding it was as difficult as the metal was strong. This is not something you pick up in the market in a busy town. It may also represent the equipment needed to play a game, or may simply be an instrument. Great work sir ! 1 pound of mithral costs 500 gp, so 471 cubic feet of adamantine costs (at least) 102 900 000 gp. That's what happens when you wear a helmet your whole life! [5e] My DM charged me around 3000 gold for some adamantine plate as it was from a very specialist dwarven smith in one of their big cities and needed an entire week to have it made to measure. If you use DMG prices for magic items it would cost 101-500 gp, hardly expensive. From a real life perspective of working metals (which I do) They all have very different properties and work in drastically different ways so personally I would say that being proficient with smith tools does not grant you the knowledge to work every metal out there. In it. I even managed to do it without mentioning what a bloody stupid system the non-metric measurements are (oops!). Wealthy merchants and lower royals think only in terms of large scale gold. Add a memorial, flowers or photo. Also, it says in Xanathar's Guide that you can get weapons made from adamantine and it costs the same. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. It is more like 1st and 2nd edition in that magic items are intended to be found, not created, and perhaps not purchased. Full plate is 1500, so adamantine plate should obviously be more. I rarely give it out to players through just because some of them get a little overzealous about their AC being as high as possible when they find out what it can mean. So you should use this as an indication of the metals relative AC. In the PHB for 5e, the trade value of 1 lb. )+Uncommon item crafting cost = 200gp, time = 2 workweeks=Cost materials 950 gp, time = 30+2=32 workweeks (or 15+2=17 workweeks). Adamantine Armor, which can be any sort of Medium or Heavy armor apart from Hide, is one such item. I have looked for years for something translatable into D&D. I think when they say 23 they are refering to the AC of the raw material rather than the armor which it makes sense that the AC goes down when its turned into armor because armor has weak points or leaves uncovered areas so having less AC makes sense. For more information, please see our Of course, finding a smith who can successfully work with adamantine is likely to be no small feat in and of itself. What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? Adamant is one of the hardest substances known, but it is also brittle. It is the most used of metals. The process of working with adamantine is a closely guarded secret. The trusty maul is 10lbs, and costs 10gp. Role-playing Games Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for gamemasters and players of tabletop, paper-and-pencil role-playing games. Adamantine does not seem to be inherently a magical metal, just uncommon. Here is a link to what I found: And Adamantine Armor is listed at 500g. But combining materials and using high energy beams would be beyond the technology available to PCs. The same is true for Gold, Electrum, Platinum and Silver armor and weapons. Adamantine is 100 gp per pound. It's what you make the city gates out of. For every hour of travel without a saddle the rider must make a constitution saving throw or receive a level of exhaustion, riders wearing medium armor have disadvantage on this save, and riders wearing heavy armor fail automatically. So, it affects hardness, cost, and damage. Mithral armor is a metal of its own kind, so it would not work. of copper goes for 5sp. This well-known pure metal has a distinctive pinkish sheen. destructonium is a metal infused with souls of any being the more powerful the soul the more powerful the destructonium. So the raw adamantine required for a full plate costs 5000GP. Plate. km and lies in the south-western corner of Poland, bordering Germany and Czechia. Basically, I like the idea that characters who take the time to research and prepare for a specific enemy should have a noticeably easier time of it. However, who is to say that the definition of ferrous couldnt be expanded to include metals that contain adamant? By reinforcing a suit of armor with adamantine (noted to be one of the hardest substances in existence), the wearer treats any critical hit against them as a normal hit. Most standard artisans do not own their equipment or materials, but instead have special deals with a noble or guild to utilize it, in return for free or highly discounted work. Any of those effects are not worthy of crown jewel money. But I looked at that site before and it only talks about Energons that are sentient energy that has coalesced into an alien form of life. These are creatures and not metal.