I am 39 turning 40 this year. No additional testing has been offered after 3 chemicals and one failed implantation on PGS normal embryos - he just tries to push me onto surrogacy each time saying sometimes thats the only option. He earned his MSc in 2012 for his research on inflammation and lung cancerand started Remembryo in 2018 to help people understand the evidence behind common IVF topics. My first FET failed and it was devastating. Best of luck! Saw a heartbeat at 6 and 8 weeks then nothing at week 10. Alternatively you can check out my websites tag for mosaic embryos here. For women who have it, REs may suggest prednisone and lovenox after transfer. Don't lose hope! (2017)found no difference in survival rates of embryos that were thawed and biopsied, then refrozen. At this point I am waiting to start my 5th miscarriage. It would be a miracle to have a similar experience as yours , I know you said age is a factor, but you could always take a month or two off for your mental health and then re-assess. Thats what i needed to hear. You cant compare the per retrieval and per transfer stats against each other directly. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. Can any further conclusion be made based on number of normal pgs results ? The antibiotics were pretty strong, but I think they upset my stomach more than they did my husband. My current success was a FET with NO meds except vaginal progesterone. I just wanted to know if anyone had a similar experience and if you can share the things you did differently with your second transfer and had success? 2 - IVF both miscarriages around 6 weeks Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. We had 4 blasts tested in our first IVF cycle and 2 were abnormal / 1 mosaic / and then 1 "normal". They biopsied those 2 embryos and send off the cells for PGS testing. So the advantage with PGT-A may be in determining which embryos are completely unfit for transfer, at least based on this study. I have had MENTS one BFN and one chemical on untested embryos on my first round of IVF (I'm 34). Second, PGS speeds up the time to pregnancy. If I had transferred two without PGS, there would have been a significant chance that both would have been abnormal. Any advice is greatly appreciated. I have one more embryo remaining. Your clinic may have a better idea! Medication wise other than the standard progesterone and estrogen and prenatal I also did take aspirin 81mg. Have you ever had an endometrial biopsy to look for infection? It had an extra chromosome from the sperm and another from the egg. Fast Facts About PGS Testing Risks. My second was ectopic, my third was a failure and Im about 7.5 weeks pregnant from my 4th (). This was our first trial. Well start with euploids, then mosaics, and end with fully aneuploid embryos. I just found out today that I've only got 2 larger follicles and 3 smaller ones that are growing but are quite behind the 2 larger ones. The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. , dont be sorry! I've read that in a non-IVF pregnancy, the rate of miscarriage is about 21.3% between weeks 5 and 6. Ive done intralipid infusions and Neupogen each time in the case I had an autoimmune disorder or natural killer cells so I dont think that would be the issue. So they were both frozen on Day 6? Neal et al. There is much better chance of IVF success with PGS testing in women who were over the age of 35. On September 20th, we did my first IVF cycle. It kind of makes me wonder what they get out of their alternative recommendations. But if you dont like the extra meds you could talk with your current or new clinic about not doing it and get their thoughts on it. A recent 2019 study looked at 130,000 biopsies by NGS tested (this is the current testing method): Demko et al. I wanted to reach out and see if you know a way to find a surrogate on your own, rather than going thru an agency. My first FET was a day 6 5AA euploid embryo. I ended up taking Lovenox and Prednisone and doing an endometrial scratch biopsy and ERA. Hoping to hear from them soon . Low hCG levels. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. PGS/PGT-A success rates can vary. Its very disheartening though. For more background info, check out my post onPGS Testing. So sorry this happened and good luck to you. Should I just ask for this to be done regardless? To perform the biopsy, an embryologist removes 2-10 cells from the precursor placenta cells of the blastocyst embryo, called the trophectoderm. It wouldnt be going far at least. PGT-A is generally recommended for women >35, and the majority of cycles in the US in 2020 were for women >35 (62%). I remember you from another post I made about only having 2 eggs fertilized you were so kind to share your story. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. Consult with your doctor before making any treatment changes. - continued the same above protocol with the only change was that once I got my first positive beta (63) they had me increase the progesterone suppository to three times a day. Hi! Consult with your doctor before making any treatment changes. Thinking of you , Thank you Yes, its A LOT and its weighing heavy on me since last week (when I got the call from my RE). We are so happy about that, we just want this one to be the one. Another thing to consider: Has your doctor done a hysteroscopy? I had a chemical pregnancy with my first FET. Praying you did and thank you for the advice! Reply Share React operationpepper Dec 22, 2015 3:42 PM We have some sort of make factor at play but no other known fertility issues. I plan on asking my RE for a Recurrent loss panel to be done and autoimmune testing (NK cells etc)and a different protocol. Are you sure you want to block this member? I would like to use the delestrogen shots next time instead of the patches and pills which seem to do nothing for me. LBR was associated with morphologic parameters of euploid blastocysts, especially in women <30 years old. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Turns out I was 24 hours prereceptive and Im convinced the ERA and extra day of progesterone is what did it. I expect a call from my RE tomorrow, will ask about both of your suggestions, the immune protocol and antihistamine and see what she thinks . That makes me feel better about transferring to another clinic, which Im thinking might be the best bet at this point! Thanks so much in advance for any feedback. Congratulations on your success , I have a similar story. This may be used to avoid a gender-linked genetic disorder or (more rarely) for family balancing. Liebermann et al. I have to say that I'm not 100% sure I needed any of the extra things we did- but I wanted to try whatever I could and these things couldn't hurt. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. Overall, I really wish clinics and REs were more straightforward about odds of success esp with pgs since I think they can be a little misleading. Sending you lots of love, hope and positivity! This November I did a frozen transfer with an untested, five day embryo and Im 9 weeks now. Going into my second round of IVF I was doubting anything would work. The test uses an algorythm and brings together age (in my case 44), the nuchal measurement of the foetus (which was normal) and the values of PAPP-A and Beta HCG from a blood test. I also stopped working night shifts (Im a nurse) to reduce my stress levels but that didnt help either. And Im so sorry about your first FET. Ive seen conflicting studies with some (irani 2017) saying poor quality euploid has just 25% LBR but some more recent studies (2021) that suggest that morphology matters more under 30 (which Im not Im 42 but was 37/8 at retrieval). Patient(s): Cases included 38 patients who underwent frozen euploid ET as determined by aCGH, resulting in miscarriage. Consult with your doctor before making any treatment changes. I was completely devastated because I never thought that would happen with a PGS. My current doctor did mention surrogacy as well, especially since the embryo we brought over was our final attempt with IVF. And since then Ive had medical issues that havent allowed me to try again until last month. Mosaic embryos can be either low- or high . My doctor thought it was possibly due to retained products of conception. Dear T3BK, thank you so much for your reply! So, all is well! I cried the whole way home. Just trying to figure out what else I can do as I only have one embryo left. I'm doing the full "recurrent pregnancy loss" blood workup and karyotype genetic testing on my husband and me before we try again. You can check out my summary of the study here.. Of the 414 blastocysts transferred: 312 were euploid, 73.1% had a clinical pregnancy and 7.2% miscarried; 102 were aneuploid, 23.5% had a clinical pregnancy and . Well also look at the chances of getting a euploid based on age, the impact of embryo grade and the day it was frozen (Day 5, 6 or 7), and how rebiopsies or thaw and biopsies fare for success rates. Im still u sure if this will go to term, but getting a 2nd opinion from a specialist in RPL sure has made a difference. Your story does give me hope and I wish my little one is as strong as yours! 144 abnormal (aneuploid/mosaic) embryos and their outcomes. A few rounds of heavy- duty antibiotics cleared it up. In contrast to mosaic embryos that are a mix of euploid and aneuploid cells, aneuploid embryos are completely aneuploid and all the cells are abnormal. After 10 days, they came back and said that it was low and that i should mentally prepare myself for a chemical pregnancy. I actually didnt do acupuncture the second cycle, but I was in great shape. I paid a fortune for those sessions (I dont have insurance). Kelly. My 2nd also failed and I had them do a thrombophilia panel on me and found I had a MTHFR mutation so we added folgard and he adjusted my days on progesterone and in addition to the suppositories I did the shots as well. I'm glad we did - because my ERA results were abnormal and I needed 12 more hours of PIO. I had a chemical pregnancy last November after a fresh transfer. 2 - IUIs both chemical Chances for getting a euploid embryo A recent 2019 study looked at 130,000 biopsies by NGS tested (this is the current testing method): Donor eggs: 63.1% euploid <35 years: 59.5% euploid 35-37 years: 50.3% euploid 38-40 years: 38.3% euploid 41-42 years: 26.8% euploid 43-44 years: 24% euploid Your experience is so inspiring, thank you for sharing . For your second question, Ill be doing an Embryo News this week that explains a study that compares non-PGS vs PGS tested embryos. Check here for the full glossary (please excuse the repeated terms!). I had a chemical last November with a PGS normal embryo and was successful with the second FET in July. Can I ask why they didn't test them on Day 5? Some of the reasons quoted werent even about the patient: it could have been damaged during the biopsy or thaw process in the lab, the transfer process could have been off, theres a margin of error with the testing itself, pgs doesnt tell us everything about an embryo, etc. It was a chemical pregnancy.